✿ thirteen

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seulgi's pov

"seulgi-yah~" eunbi called out to me. i turned around to look at her,waving at me and motioning me to come. i mentally rolled my eyes and walked towards her lazily,"what's up?"

"oh,i was just wondering if we could be friends!" she beams.

"mhm,alright then eunbi,but just friends. taehyung might sulk again knowing i have a new bestfriend." i sighed and she giggled. "since it's lunch time,let's eat together!"

i nodded. she grabs my arm and drags me to the cafeteria,"let's go find jiminnie!" i cringed at the sound of it,"she's giving jimin a nickname?" jiminnie is such a dull nickname ugh. is she even close with jimin? "oh jiminnie!" eunbi yells as she saw jimin walking up to a vacant table,he squints his eyes as he saw eunbi. she drags me again over to jimin's table. "oh,seulgi and.." he trailed off,completely forgetting eunbi's name. i held in my laughter,"eunbi." eunbi says,a bit disappointed. "right,you're the girl from dance class yesterday." he sits down and tapped the seat beside him,"sit beside me seul--"

"alright!" eunbi lets go of my arm and sat beside jimin,"she obviously likes him." i thought.

"but i was talking about seulgi--" i cut jimin off,"it's alright. eunbi,anything you want to eat?" I asked her,who was obviously staring at jimin. "milkshake and bread is fine." she sighs,dreamily.

i rolled my eyes and walked away from them.


no one's pov

taehyung was watching eunbi getting jimin's attention,which was not working. jimin was just looking at seulgi buy food.

which was the perfect time to get jimin jealous.

taehyung ran over to seulgi,"seulgi!"he yelled and back-hugged her. seulgi gasps and slaps taehyung lightly,"you scared me!" taehyung laughs and simply looks at jimin,who was giving him death glares.

eunbi noticed this and pouted,"jiminnie?" she asks. jimin turned to her,"you gave me a nickname?"

eunbi nods happily,"you like it?"

jimin cringed,"i don't. only seulgi can give me nicknames."

this completely broke eunbi's heartㅡbut she does know that he won't ever get into jimin's heart.

"o-oh,alright." eunbi slowly distanced herself from jimin adn just waited fro her lunch.

on the other side,seulgi was paying for her and eunbi's food. she doesn't mind paying for eunbi's food too,she is rich after all.

"seulgi,can i sit with you?" taehyung speaks,seulgi fliched,forgot that he was beside her.

"yeah,but jimin and eunbi's with us." she flatly replied.

"that's great!" taehyung grins cheekily,planning something again.


end of chapter thirteen.

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