Part 2

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    Janae in the picture

At Western High School
Nae- omg here we go

Nae & Neaa walk in the school and everybody is taking pictures and clapping and trying to Holla at them

Neaa-I guess we Poping then

Nae-hell yeah!

Nae-look at them Sexy Boys Over there (licking lips)

Neaa - we didn't even got our classes and you talking and looking at some damn boys you know the cute ones always the players,Fuckboys

Nae-yeah but ..

Neaa-no stfu About Some Damn Boys I Don't Want To Hear It!

Nae-who the fuck you talking to in the older one

Neaa-I don't give a flying mothergoose

Nae-your corny ass Fuck

Neaa - yeah whatever

The boys by the locker

Trevon-Damn look at that girl right there (pointing to Reneaa)

Deon - DAMNN! (Looking at Janea )

Deon  -oh she looking over here

Trevon-damn they bad oh I Got to hit

Deon- you know it (dapping him)

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