Chapter 3

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3 days later
"How is she feeling, Haley?"
"She's been coughing and sneezing all day. She has a fever of 100." I sigh and rub my forehead, trying to get rid of the headache. "I'm gonna leave right now so I can take her to the doctors." I hang up, quickly gather my things and walk into the school. It's lunchtime so once I walk into the office one of the office ladies smiles, "Hi, what can I do for you?"
"My name is Gracelyn Peters. I need to leave so I can take my daughter to the doctors." Yeah you heard me right; I have a daughter. I'll tell you my sob story later but you should know that she's two years old which makes me a teen mom. I love her though, she's the only family I have left. "Ah yes. You're excused from your next class and I hope your daughter gets better soon." I thank her and walk out of the office only to run into Liam. Of all fucking people, why was it him? "Hey Gracelyn. Where you going?" I ignore him and walk quickly out the front door; if I stayed and talked that means I'd have to wait longer at the doctors. I jump into my car, pull out of the parking space and quickly drive away from the school. I pull up to the apartment complex, get out of the car and run up to the second floor. I knock on Haley's door and she opens it, holding my sick baby in her arms. "Momma, momma," my baby cries, reaching for me. I take her and Haley hands me the diaper bag, "Thank you so much Haley." I walk back down and place Raylee in her car seat then get into the driver's seat. I drive to the pediatric clinic and quickly bring Raylee inside to see a lot of people in the waiting room; great, just great.
30 minutes later
"Raylee Peters." I sigh and get up to take my daughter inside. A nurse leads us into a room with butterflies painted on the walls, "Can you place her on the scale please?" I nod and lay her on the scale then she measures her height. I take Raylee back into my arms and the nurse takes her temperature before nodding, "The doctor will be in soon." I thank her then wait for the doctor to show up. The doctor walks in and she shakes my hand, "Hi I'm Doctor Ella. It's nice to meet you Ms. Peters. Now can you tell me what's wrong with Raylee?"
"Well she has a cough, runny nose, and fever." She nods and grabs one of the instruments to look in Raylee's ears then look at her throat, "Well there's no ear infection and no sore throat so she just has a common cold. I'm gonna prescribe some medicine and she has to take it once every morning until it runs out. Make sure she gets plenty of rest and she drinks lots of water." I take the prescription and smile, "Thank you so much." She smiles back and I walk out of the room then out of the building. The first thing I do is go to the pharmacy and turn in the prescription so I can get the medicine. I wait 5 minutes before they call my name and I take the medicine then head home. When I reach the complex, I just sit back for awhile since Raylee is asleep in her car seat. I'm about to get out when my phone starts to ring and I groan but look at the caller ID: Unknown. My heart starts beating fast and I accept the call then press it against my ear, "Hello?"
"Gracelyn?" I let out a sigh of relief and let my head rest against the seat, "What do you want Liam? How'd you get my number?"
"Asked someone in the office. Why'd you run out earlier?" I roll my eyes, "I had to take care of something. I'm really busy at the moment, can I talk to you later?" I don't even wait for a reply, I just hang up. I get out of the car, take Raylee out of her car seat then walk up to the second floor. I open my front door and immediately walk over to Raylee's room and lay her in her bed. I walk out into the living room and just flop myself onto the couch. I close my eyes for two seconds when Raylee starts crying; this is going to be a long night.
Hey guys!!! What did you think? Tell me in the comments!! Love y'all, broken149

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