A normal day? -Chapter one-

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I would like to state there are extra characters in this writing and some of the features in the file's were NOT mentioned so you'll hear about them in the story, Carrying on this will have my ships and what I expect their lives would be like. Enjoy!!

It started as a normal day, Tony woke up first, screeching his lungs off when everyone slept in. Shrignold would tell him to stop doing it as usual, but Tony would refuse unless they were on time.

Paige would make breakfast for everyone, usually pancakes or eggs, just nothing with green in it.

Their house was like a normal house, two storied, white carpets in most of the rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, you name it, it was there.

There were bedrooms for everyone except Manny, He had to share his room with Robin. But their room was nicely decorated with the help of Paige. Paige didn't understand why she did it for Robin, she hated him because of his raspy voice and his Green hair. It annoyed everything about her.

Then there was Harry's room, it wasn't as decorated as Manny and Robin's room but it still was nice and neat.

Then came Shrignolds room, his room contained hearts and books about his king, Malcolm, but it also contained a picture of him and Collin.

Then came Paige's room, it was a nice colorful room with paint brushes and a sharpened pencil.

Then it was Collin's room, it was covered in electronics and headphones.

Finally came Tony's room, his was a nice blue room with clocks and a black sword that was perched at an angle on his bed.

That's was their normal lives until the after noon of this day in particular.


Tony was sitting at the table looking at his masterpiece. It was a clock (No surprise)But the clock was a gift for Paige, He had always had a crush on page for the longest of Time. But he knew Paige only saw him as a frenimie. They had a love/hate relationship but it worked.

While he was admiring his work he saw Paige walk into the kitchen wearing one of her "Not usual clothes" It was her paint stained overalls. Not only was the overalls stained from paint, it was also stained from her ink body.

Paige was taking out a step stool and getting a paint brush when Tony said "What are you waisting your time on now, Paige my dear?" He tilted his head with a smirk on his face causing his red marks to scrunch up on his face.

"Well it's not a waist of time but I am painting a picture of... Of.... A... A.... Clown! Yes a clown!" Paige said nervously. The reason she was nervous was because she actually was making a portrait for Tony.

She had to stand on her tip toes on the stool to reach the brushes. She quickly was loosing balance and as if on que Tony rushed up and caught Paige before she fell.

 She quickly was loosing balance and as if on que Tony rushed up and caught Paige before she fell

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Paige gasped lightly and looked up into Tony's eyes. Getting lost in them every second she stared. Tony on the other hand was shocked he did so, just because he felt a spark between the two didn't mean he had to save her did it?

Did it?


Sorry for the short chapter, so I hope you people are liking it so far.

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