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Laura's POV

I just woke up in a gurney wheeling me towards the hospital. My eyes were watering. My head was pounding. My legs felt numb. There were multiple cuts on my wrists which were oozing hell load of blood. What happened?

Ross' POV

I was hanging out with my best friend, Michelle, who recently got back from her home town to visit for a week. Since she wasn't going to be visiting for long, I decided to bail on Laura and hang with her. I feel really guilty but not really regretting it since I'm doing it for a real good reason..I think. We were just in a regular café booth talking & eating when Laura's mother called. I started freaking out and panicking because I could smell something fishy considering her mother doesn't usually call.

Ellen: Ross! Come quick! Laura has been admitted to the hospital. *sobs*

Ross: WHAT?! Is she okay?! *practically yells*

Ellen: Oh, I don't know, sweetheart *sobs*

Ross: Well, I'm coming as quick as I can. Which hospital?

Ellen: The West Hospital *still crying*

Ross: I'll be there in a few.

~Ross drives to the West Hospital leaving Michelle in the café confused~

Ross: *walks to the counter*

Counter: Good afternoon, sir! *smiles* May I help you?

Ross: My girlfriend..*panicking* where is she?!

Counter: What's her name?

Ross: Laura Marano

Counter: And your relationship with her?

Ross: I'm his boyfriend. *annoyed* Didn't I mention earlier that I was looking for my girlfriend.

Country: She's in room 6 on the 2nd floor *annoyed*

Ross: *stutters* th..thanks

~Ross runs to the 2nd floor since the lift was on the top floor which would take a while~

Ross' POV

When Ellen called, I couldn't believe my ears. Hearing my girl in the hospital made me feel so perturbed. I didn't care I left Michelle alone. All I wanted was to see Laura. I felt so guilty knowing that if I haven't deserted her, she would be okay right now. I ran to the 2nd floor and saw Ellen sitting outside the door sniveling. I felt really bad.

Ellen: Ross! *quickly wipes tears* You can't go in just yet. They're still having checkups on her.

Ross: What happened? *anxiously*

Ellen: Wh..When I went to La..Laura's room to give her some food, I saw her unconscious. She wa..was holding a blade and I saw multiple cuts in her wrists. *crying*

Ross: Oh this is all my fault *sheds a few tears*

Ellen: I'm sure none of this is your fault, honey. It's just probably a misunderstanding. *smiles while crying*

Doctor: You may go see her. One patient at a time.

Ellen: Ross. You can go first *smiles*

Ross: Really? *eyes widens* THANK YOU! *rushes to the door*

Ross' POV
As soon as I heard I could go see Laura, I immediately ran to the door to see my girl <3
She was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up but I was really tempted to wake her up to see whether it was my fault she's in this situation.

Ross: Laura.. I know you're probably sleeping but I just wanted to tell you that I love you so damn much. I've never ever experienced true love but with you. You're amazing and so exquisite. People often say perfection doesn't exist, but when I see you. I know it does. You make me so happy and I don't even know why I deserted you over my best friend. I didn't even give you a proper reason to leave you like that. I just wanted to let you kn.. *gets cut off by hearing Laura sob*

Laura: I'm so sorry Ross *sniveling* I thought you were cheating on me when I saw you hanging out with someone else in the café. I hope you forgive me that I ever doubted you. We've been dating for 2 years now Ross *smiles* that's why I had the nerve to cut. Just because I'm so in love with you. It's ju..

Ross: *crashes his lips on Laura's* *pulls away* I love you more *grinning*

Laura: *blushes* *giggles*

Ross: I'll just let your mom see you. She's been worried sick. I'll just leave you alone with your mom with this ordeal. I'll see you later, cutie. I'll be back *winks*

Laura: *giggles* See you. *gives a flying kiss*

Ross: *dramatically catches the kiss and puts it in his heart* *exists the door*


Guyssssss, my first ever one shot YAYYYYY.
it feels amazing to just write down my ideas and share it with you all in the form of words. Please excuse the typos and grammatical mistakes. My mother tongue isn't English so the vocabulary I use won't be impressive enough but I promise you, I'll I prov gradually.

Love y'all loads ❣💋 stay trippy babes.

807 words

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