Human Rarity X Reader- My little diamond

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You was helping your best friend Rarity in her boutique, it was all quiet as Sweetie belle was staying at Applejack's home for the weekend. "(YN) darling, could you pass me those materials on the table please?" Rarity asked politely. "Ok Rarity!" You replied in happiness as you grabbed the stuff which the fashionista needed. As you gave them to her, Twilight Sparkle came running in and slammed the door, panting heavily. "Twilight darling, (YN) and I were just beginning to make dresses, so please leave!" The purple haired girl firmly demanded. Twilight ran back towards her home. Rarity turned to you, and she pressed her lips against yours.

Rarity's POV

(YN)'s lips tasted like vanilla and raspberry combined. Even though I'm a straight person, my best friend (YN) is perfect for me, sorry Spikey Wikey!

Your POV

When the kissing ended, you grabbed the materials and both of you began to make dresses.

The best weekend ever

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