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January 20, 2016

Ssangmun High

It has been only 2 days since the new student introduced himself to the class, the girls (of course) are drooling because of him, some even try to flirt with him.

This made Jaerin uncomfortable.



January 18, 2016

He looks familiar.

"Hello." The new student bowed and of course made the girls squeal.

What's wrong with them? Ugh, I thought this is going to be a great day but I guess not, geez.

She puffed an air blowing my bangs in annoyance because of the wildness of the girls.

"My name is Jeon Wonwoo. Please take care of me."

"Okay, Mr.Jeon please sit beside Ms.Lee."

Jaerin looked up from her desk to her homeroom teacher then to the new student.

"Ms.Lee, please raise your hand."

With that, Jaerin quickly rose her hand.

The new student looked at where the teacher called the student.
For some reason he looked shocked.

With his sudden reaction, Jaerin saw how shocked he is. She saw how his mouth turned into an 'O' shape with his eyes widen.

He walked through the aisle and sat beside Jaerin. He felt an uncomfortable tension between them but instantly washed away when Jaerin spoke up.

"Hey, nice meeting you. You can just call me Jae." she said coolly and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Hey, uhm. Jeon Wonwoo, nice meeting you too."

With that awkward introduction, they shook hands and went back to listening to their homeroom teacher telling a story of how their dog always catches rats inside their house.

Jaerin still wondered why would they still accept a student if school's about to end.

There she was again, arguing with herself. Talking to her mind and making up conclusions how they accepted the new student.

After a couple more of periods, it was lunch time.

"And Class please don't forget your--"

Jaerin ignored the teacher's reminder for them. She didn't even care about her grades anymore.

The bell rang and everyone bowed to their teacher and quickly ran outside the classroom to have their lunch.

Jaerin was the only one left inside the classroom, staring outside. It was peaceful, not until someone coughed.

She turned around to find that person.

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