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My skin trembles and little pebbles roll Down the slopes of my bones
Shivers; another night I'm cold
Cold another night, life is getting old
My heart being sold then dropping Beneath the sand to a place you used to hold but
Now it's free falling, collapsing
Longing for hand-clasping
The only thing I can manage to say is "stay"
The door closes as you go
Sending ripples through still air and Crashing deep inside my soul
Useless, pointless, irrelevant,
Hello, my name is insufficient
I would give you more but I don't
Have enough
An empty greeting is all I have to give
Until you grabbed me by the hips and Found out who insufficient really is
Hi, my name is shattered
Like a million pieces of a pumping Organ against my stomach
Hi, my name is dam
Holding it all back until I break down And eyes overflow
Poor homes outside are ripped apart
There you are
Not too far, just over there beyond the
That I'm stuck in; hardening
Laying down pondering
About "Where did my heart go? It's encasing is wandering."
Little pebbles turn to mountains
They get stuck in my throat
Being firmly grasped by a rope
And the warm clasp never spoke
But was replaced with the race
Away from what misery evokes
Choking on the lies that I sat down Upon and wrote
Each line that mattered most,
Papers covered in messy cursive and Messy makeup, messy hair, messy
Heat radiating off my stained cheeks
Nice to meet you, liar
I've met plenty of those, common name, huh?
My splendor shot and broke
Now please take a seat and tell me more about how much you care
But before I could finish talking
You disappear into thin air
Only to have the spot replaced with an empty paper littered with two words tucked inside, my pen wrote
"Trust issues"
This pulsating of my missing vessel
Won't stop ringing in my ear
That slow-pacing echoing is all I ever hear
The creaking of the untouched door is finally at its cease
It's because the door won't open
The suffocation of silence
Rids my ability to breathe
Death from desperation
I'm drowning in admiration
For the apparition
Hello, my name is lonely

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