Part 7

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*Kaylem's P

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*Kaylem's P.O.V*

I stood in the bathroom for and extra five minutes staring at this positive pregnancy test in hands until negative thoughts invaded my mind. What if this is just false positive or another ectopic pregnancy. I can't go through that pain again.

There was a knock on the door then Phil poked his head in. "Are you okay Kaylem?"

"I'm pregnant"

He smiled "That's great Kay! You've been wanting this"

I looked at him on the verge of tears "What if this too good to be true. I don't want this to be false hope. I can't go through that pain again Phil"

He nodded and walked all the way into the bathroom and hugged me tight "Don't worry Kaylem  it's not false"

"How do you know? I don't have the best of luck when it comes to having babies and you know what the doctor said" I said with a cracking voice.

"Doctors aren't always right when it comes to these things. You see Me and Urbana got about 100 kids after we had been told we couldn't have anymore after Zadeh. I have a really good feeling about this baby and in a few months you'll be holding him or her in your arms. And the way i heard about you and Bruno fucking you better make sure it ain't triplets" He said jokingly.

I laughed rolling my eyes and hitting him in the side "Shut up"

"Umm why are we hugging in the bathroom?" Urbana asked standing in the doorway.

Phil let go of me with a huge smile on his face "Kaylem has something to tell you"

I held the pregnancy test up "I'm pregnant"

She began cheesing and turning red then suddenly started squealing "Oh my god! Kaylem are you for real!!"

I nodded "That's what the test says"

"Oh my i am so happy for you!! Wait is it Kam's?"

I quickly shook my head "No. It's Bruno's"

She sighed "You know you have to tell him right?"

"Yea i know. But nobody has seen him in a month and i want to make sure there is an actual baby inside of my uterus and not in a fallopian tube again." I said with a lot of sadness and worry in my voice.

Urbana smiled. "Kaylem there is nothing to worry about. I promise you this one will be real you'll see once you make a doctors appointment"

I sighed "I guess. I'll go make an appointment today"

Phil smiled "We'll leave you to that. Right now if you don't mind we'd like to take Lil Brunz out for breakfast with us"

Urbana raised her eyebrow at him "We gonna do what now?"

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