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So I got tagged by Kawaii lwalkercannowreadl <3

1. What's your dream job?

Actually, I really want to be writer. That's one of the main reasons I joined Wattpad btw ( and yaoi ;) )

2. What's your favourite child name?

I hate kids, but if I ever have any... A boy named either Nemo or Ezra and a girl named Jamie or Chiyo.

3. Do you have a crush?

In real life or fictional? In real life I crush on my beautiful boyfriend, but when he is gone.... Bring me Mello and L and Undertaker and the Hitachiin twins and Naru and Finny and....

4. What's your favourite country?

Don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti ;) My dad is obsessed with Italian food, soooo...

5. Do you have a hobby?

I write a lot ( or try at least). Does hanging with your friends count? I'm kinda busy working and studying so I don't really have hobbies... I know -.-'

6. What were your childhood dreams and thoughts?

I was going to be either a firefighter or a movie star :) I was gonna save the planet too.

7. Do you prefer science or literature?

Since i'm an English literature major.... I prefer me some books.

8. What's your favourite show?

Death note, Gotham, OHSHC, Tokyo Ghoul, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Psycho-pass, Broad Church....I can go on and on.

9. What celebrity do you hate most?

It's a dutch musician named Koen Buyse. He makes me want to throw stuff.

10. Favourite fruit and veggies?

Mushrooms and pomegranate.

11. Do you have any fandoms?

You have a minute? Here we go: Merlin, Sherlock,Whovian, Death Note, Harry Potter, OHSHC, Tokyo Ghoul, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Gotham, Star Wars...
*TinyGatsby out*

12. Favourite colour and why?

Yellow. It makes me happy and reminds me of sunflowers. Those are my favourite.

13. Do you have any obsessions?

Bruh. Full time Otaku here...

14. Do you have pets?

I have three bigass main coon cats :)

15. Who's your favourite YouTuber?

I don't have one.

16. Job you hate the most?

I worked as a fundraiser for WWF, but that was a pretty shitty job.

17. What gets you annoyed or angry?

People who lie, cheat, walk slowly on a market, snore, commercials on tv during a good movie, running out of food, hangovers...

18. Practice any sports?

Nope. I'm a lazy girl ;)

19. What's your favourite food?

Everything with pasta and garlic bread.

Now I got to tag people right? If you want to do this, message me and I'll send you some weird self-made questions. Could be fun right? :)


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