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'Sofia?' My mum shouts walking up the stairs. 'Come on, summer break is over. Back to school today' she giggles as I grunt at the sun blinding my eyes through the window when she opens my curtains.

'Alright, alright' I whine, rubbing my eyes. 'I'm awake'

'Okay sweetie' she smiles and clanks her way downstairs in her six inch heels.

It's my first day of year 11, september 6th. I'm slightly happy because I'm turning 16 in exactly a month.

I sit up and rub my eyes even more to adjust to the light. I press the button on my alarm to shut it up from beeping. Why does school have to start so early?

I live with my mum and my step dad. My dad and older brother live in England. My mum works in an office, my step dad is a driver for boots.

Me on the other hand, have no idea what on earth I want to do when I'm older. When I chose my options in year 10, I chose dance, health and social and drama. Why? I don't know. But, that's how I met Holly.

After scrolling and checking all my social media, I re-check the time and its 6.15am. I had no time to shower so after brushing my teeth, I had a quick wash putting some radox body wash in the sink. I then sprayed and applied cream to my face.

'Sofia?' Dave, my step dad shouts.

'What?' I ask.

'Are you ready?' He questions.

'I'm coming now' I sigh looking at myself in the mirror.

This uniform is so ugly. A white shirt with either black skirt or trousers, a black tie, black blazer and black shoes. Obviously me being a girl, I choose to wear a skirt and my black tights. I have it up to my waist with my shirt tucked in how it's supposed to be but they're honestly quite short, mid-thigh. The shirts dont help either, I have big cleavage so it's hard for me to cover up.

I had applied minimal make up like I do; concealer, foundation, eyeliner , mascara, lipgloss and obviously done my eyebrows like always. I had straightened my brown hair that reaches my just under my breasts. I take another quick look in the mirror then grab my bag and go downstairs.

'Right, I'm going' I say, slipping on my last school shoe that had been perfectly polished the night before.

'You look beautiful Sofia' my mum says.

'Mum? Its school uniform' I giggle.

I hear the doorbell ring and instantly know its Holly.

'Hey Hol!' I say.

My mum takes a picture of us both and I upload it onto instagram, facebook and twitter.

'Come on, we're going to be late!' I say.

'Okay, bye Holly!' Dave and my mum says.

'Bye Dave, Bye Zoe!' She shouts back.

I say bye and they say bye to. We then head off to the bus stop and wait for the bus. Not long after, the bus arrives and we make our 20 minute journey to hell.
We arrive at school and its only 8.30 so we know for sure the boys aren't going to be here yet. Me and Holly make our way to our lockers which are right next to each other to grab our time tables and other stuff.

'Boo' I hear a whisper in my hear, I jump and turn quickly to see Brad.

'Brad! You scared me!' I say and see Holly stood next to us laughing.

'Sorry' he giggles and I roll my eyes.

Brads my bestfriend, so is Holly, but he's my boy bestfriend. Ever since I moved here, we've grown so close and we became partners in science, english and maths class, then he helped me through bullying. He's so nice.

'So you've not missed me just as much as I've missed you?' He asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Of course I have' I smile and hug him.

'What've you all got first?' I hear James say as he walks over to me, Brad and Holly with Connor and Tris leaving their lockers.

I quickly scan my timetable 'english', I sigh.

'Me too' Brad says.

'Me three' Connor giggles.

The bell rings signalling lesson. Me, Brad and Connor had English. Holly had maths with Tris and James. We all made our way to lesson and prepared ourselves for the rest of the day.
So, i know this chapter is short and rubbish but it will get better. I made it short only bc I didnt want to bore the shite out of you but they will gradually become longer.

Please rate if you're reading, also comment would help xo

Twitter - @heartthrobbrad

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