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Its only day two and I'm already sick and tired of year 11. I can't wait to leave.

We're all currently sat at the dinner table, just waiting for connor, brad and holly.

Brads POV.

'So, what do you think I should do about her?' I ask Connor.

'I don't know, ask Holly, she's her bestfriend. So are you' he says and I sigh.

'What?' He asks.

'Nothing its just that if I was to do this and she agrees with me, it might ruin everything' I say.

'Just speak to Holly' he says, patting my back, and walking off. I nod and go find Holly.

I pay for my dinner at the till and look for Holly standing with her boyfriend, Liam.

'Oh, hi Brad!' She says happily once she sees me.

'Hi, Holly' I side smile.

'Is everything okay?' She asks just before Liam leaves.

'Actually, I need to ask you something' I say. She nods and I tell her everything I told Connor. Holly and Connor are now the only ones that know.
We go back over to the table to see Sofia, james, connor and tristan sat there. We make our way over and I sit down across from Sofia.

'Where have you two been?' Tristan asks.

'I was just waiting with Holly whilst she got her food' I say and smile.

The conversation just flowed through dinner, the rest of the half an hour we had left. Sofia was laughing with Holly. James, connor and tristan were just speaking and I was quiet. I couldn't take my eyes off sofia.

Her eyes and her smile is so beautiful. The way she laughs is amazing. When she first moved here, we got really close and honestly just became bestfriends. But coming back to school and starting a new year, something has changed.

James POV

'Brad?' I smirk looking at Brad and snapping him out of his thoughts.

'Yeah?' I ask.

'Are you alright?' I ask.

'Uh, y-yeah' I totally lied, I'm not ok.

Thankfully having not to explain myself anymore, I was saved by the bell ringing signalling fourth and fifth period science and then english. Both with sofia.


Oh what was brad thinking? Have to find out soon guys ;) i know this chapter is pretty..... REALLY shit please forgive me n dont stab me with a knife, tah xo

Twitter fan account - @helpforvamps My twitter - @heartthrobbrad

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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