I run until I think he can't see or find me anymore. I go into a old looking convenient store, slip the first hair dye into my purse with out looking to see what colour it was an ran out as fast as I could. "Hey!! Get back here pun lady!" Running now on a side walk I pull into a by bar. "Is there a restroom here?"
"Yep down the hall to your left." He pointed down the hall with a sour looking face. "Thank you." I grab my bag and make sure my gun is slid all the way in. I've got to look different. God I hate it when these people do this, I have to change everything after... I look in the mirror, my eyes tear up. I have long brown hair with light green eyes, I'm short, I've always wished I was taller. I take out my makeup remover and take off my blue eye shadow and eye liner. I re-draw on different makeup to look different. I look at myself one more time and *snip* long curly brown hair hits the floor. A warm tear fell down my face, seeming like it would keep running forever. I grab the hair dye, added all the needed ingredients to make it work and lathered pretty much all of the dye into my hair because it's so thick. I bent my hair down slowly after 20 minutes and washed it out. When I pulled my hair up it was a really dull natural looking red. My mom had natural red hair when I was young... I look just like her. What would she think of me if she were alive today? No, I don't want to think about that... My cold hands pressed against my face, "here's to a new me." Not to optimistic about this... I better leave, people are going to think something is wrong with me. I walk outside casually as if I didn't just change everything. Nothing, no one but police surround me. I become to feel faint, my vision is blurring. Hold on Penelope, don't pass out. Don't pass ou... My eyes only slightly open because that's all I feel I can do right now, my vision is blurry. I just hear ringing and some faint voices, I can't make out what their saying... I try to pull away from a really bright white light.