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TzuYoda created a new chat "Makne Line" and invited TofuDahyun and Chaengberry.

TzuYoda: Okay, how are we gonna do this?

Chaengberry: Probably invite, Sana Unni?

TofuDahyun: ON IT!

TofuDahyun invited SanaSquirrel to the chat

TzuYoda: Sana Unni, we need you to talk to us.

SanaSquirrel: THEY BATTED ME!

Chaengberry: In all honesty they were about to bat us.

SanaSquirrel: They bat me everyday.

TofuDahyun: How about we do this, find their bat and bat them!

TzuYoda: Genius!

Chanegberry: On it!

TzuYoda: OKay, so Chaeyoung Unni is gonna get the bat, so I'll make sure she doesn't get caught.

TofuDahyun: I'll help back you up.

SanaSquirrel: Can I bat them?

MakneLine: Well Duh!


Meanwhile... IN the other Chattoom

BunnyNana: How do you think it's going?

BigEyed-J: IDK...

JokbalMomo: I think something is wrong.

BlackSwanMinie: Why?

HyungJung: It's unusually quiet...

BigEyed-J: Oh, no...

HyungJung: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

BunnyNana: Guy's run!

TzuYoda: Sorry, unni's...

Chaengberry invited SanaSquirrel to the chat

SanaSquirrel: This was fun.

BlackSwanMinie: Why, didn't you bat us?

SanaSquirrel: Japanese line!

JokbalMomo: Ah, we love you!

TofuDahyun: So sweet, now what to do with unnies?

TzuYoda: OKay, maknes, let the Japanese rejoice, while we carry the bodies.

Chaengberry: Man, you make it sound like we murdered someone.

TzuYoda: Well, help please, I can't lift all of them myself.

TofuDahyun: Coming and MAKNE LINE IS THE BEST!

Chaengberry: Amen!

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