Chapter 4

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      Aubrey's Point of Veiw

As I look at the text. Staring at it wondering what to say, my mind just thinking. 

The text says, Will you come hang out at the beach tomorrow"

Aubrey just reply to the damn text my mind tells me.

Sure I would love to come to the beach <3, I reply

I go take a shower and wash my hair for tomorrow.

I just want to kiss his cute face, I wonder if he feels the same way. Maybe I will just ask him because that's a great idea.

I start to text him, hey its Aubrey and i was wondering if you feel the same about me, like everything just clicked when I first seen you. You're brown eyes and blonde hair just looks so cute. Well I really just like you and I hope you feel the same way :).

10 minutes passed, still no text.

20 Minutes passed, no text.

Maybe he just doesn't feel the same way, I hope I didn't just ruin our friendship.

I lay in my bed and watch tv, I set my phone on my chest so I can text him if he replys back at me. 

I start to yawn, still no text.

I text him Hey, sorry if I just ruined things for us, I just wanted to tell you how I feel and was wondering if you felt the same exact way. The first time we talked you just came to my heart. Like the Lord gave me you for a reason or something. Well hope you aren't mad at me.

I fall asleep and my alarm goes off, its Friday. I look at my phone and see there is a text and its from him, it says " Hey sorry I am replying so late its just my mom and dad took away my phone so I could finish my paper I had to write for English, yes I was gonna ask you if you felt the same way. And you're eyes just sparkle like the stars in the sky. Well hope to see you at school tomorrow.

I certainly feel excited after that text because I probaly just found my true love.


I go up to him, he's at his locker talking to this boy. I see a little paint on his hand. It takes him forever to notice me but when he does, he looks strait into my eyes. I ask him Why do you have blue paint on you're hand, are you a artist or something?

Well I- he stops after saying I, why I have no clue. I catch up with Kaitlyn because shes walking to the restroom. "Does Kyle do anything he had paint on his hands and he wont tell me why..?" I ask Kaitlyn

"Well why don't you ask him, you're his girlfriend anyway...."

"Kaitlyn I am not his girlfriend!!"

She walks away pissed.

What the fuck is going through her mind today.

I go through all of my classes sitting right next to Kyle in all of them.

I sign up for basket ball after school because i'm bored and i'm gaining weight. I always played Basket ball when I was in Idaho, but when I moved to Los Angles I guess my feelings just changed.. This girl walks up to me and says, "You are too short to play for The Los Angles High School."What do you mean I am too short just because I am short doesn't mean I can't play, I can probaly play better then you" I push her away from me because shes right in my face. She comes back and starts hitting me, I punch her so hard she falls on the ground. Everyone starts crowding up and filming it. The principle comes up and trys to stop it but it don't work out too well. He ends up getting hit. Kyle and some of his friends end up stopping it. "Jennifer Adman and Aubrey Dodson come to my office now! I mean NOW."

We walk to the office Jennifer on the right side of him and me on the left side of him. Kyle walks behind him. 

Kyle is taking me home today so he's got a right to follow me.

Mr. Slapman is the principal of the school, we go to his office and he asks us a bunch of questions. 

Who started the fight, he asks both of us.

"I started it sir," I reply. She started buy saying that I was too short to be on the Basket ball team. She was in my face so I pushed her. Then she started punching me so then that's how it started it.

"Well to make this even, both of you girls are going to have to get detention for at least a week and pick up trash around the school, he says"

"I would tell you to stop Jennifer, but that isn't going to do you any good." And Aubrey you need to stop getting into fights I don't want to see you in another fight, you are a good girl."

I go into Kyles SUV because that's what he's taking me home in. He drives me home and we listen to music as he drives me home. Right before he unlocks the do he holds my hand and....

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