1. A casual 'Encounter'

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I'm Dan. Daniel James Howell to be précis, my life consists of mundane nothingness and isolation. I'm extremely ironic and sarcastic to the point where it is worrying. I'm isolated from almost everything, my some what called 'Friends', My school and at home. It's not my dads fault he is a self indulgent drunk twat all of the time but it's my fault for getting bad grades.

Throughout school I have had fairly reasonable grades but recently they have been getting progressively worse especially in math.

I seem to doze of during classes thinking out extremely unrealistic scenarios that could happen during class or thinking a bit fake convosations I could have with no particular celebrities until I'm most rudely snapped out of my thoughts by Mr.Hill; my maths teacher. "are you okay Daniel, do you understand" he says in his croaky and throaty voice "Yeah I'm fine" I lie, glancing down at my work that might as well be written in Japanese for all I care and know about maths "Well your grades say otherwise" he suddenly speaks using a rather spiteful tone "I'm going to move another student next to you who is, let's say, a higher level in maths" he keeps his low tone before disappearing to the other end of the large classroom.

I sigh and bury my face into my hands dreading who is going to sit next to me, when it comes to other people I'm very awkward and find it hard to speak with stumbling on a simple sentence such as 'Hello' or 'How are you?'.

I huff before being tugged slightly at the shoulder to see a boy sitting next to me, he has coal black hair and rather strikingly blue eyes. His skin is pale and his eyes full of life and color "Hello, I'm Phil!" He says way to enthusiastically grabbing my hand and shaking "O-Oh hi" I stumble on my words "I'm Daniel, b-but please do call me Dan" I politely state removing my hand from his grip and giving a timid smile silently cursing under my breath.

I shuffle around in my seat uncomfortably avoiding the black haired boys gaze "Do you need any help, Dan?" He asked, his voice soft and soothing as he inched closer staring at my uncompleted work. I clear my throat and cover my work nervously "Dan?" Yes I do need help I'm struggling very much and getting shit grades because I'm to shy to ask for help "No I'm fine don't worry" I assure him, lying through my teeth.

It fell silently for a minute, not the soothing silence that some beg for, but the awkward uncomfortable silence that I would not wish upon anyone not even the people I loathed, aimed at Chris Kendal, Marcus butler and the well to know Frank stone. They are the people who hang around the school hallways picking at every little thing that I do or say, picking at my insecurities "Did you know ants can speak to each other" Phil randomly stated giving me a way to over excited grin, I chuckle slightly rolling my eyes "Oh really? How interesting" I reply  sounding way to more sarcastic then it was meant to.

I stare at Phil for a while, admiring his good looks and petit frame. I smile to myself and blush furiously when he sees me staring. I cough nervously staring back down at my work eye widened and my eyebrows knitted with confusion "Dan, I'm here to help okay?" He adds kindly "I know but frankly I don't need the help" I say stubbornly looking up and giving him a hard glare before looking away. I don't mean to be so stubborn around others but I can't help it. "Oo grumpy" he smile obviously trying to lighten the mood, I exhale deeply in return.

I roughly run a hand through my hair day dreaming about some random shit trying to get my head off the mindlessly confusing work infront of me until I finally decide to speak up "E-Erm Phil is number eh three right?" I ask nervously rubbing my arm awkwardly, before I could talk anymore he leans in extremely close staring down at my,still incompleted, work. "Yeah perfect!" He shouts looking up at me our faces inches apart as he leans back pushing my arm lightly "You're finally getting the hang of this Dan" he smiles excitedly, his crooked smile is kind of cute it really matches his adorable personality.

Lunch. The bell rung and I left the class unnoticed barging my way past Phil wish out saying bye. To no surprise I was immediately stopped than no other then Frank stone "Hay what's up fag" he teased pushing me violently and laughing almost sickeningly not long after he is Joined by his so called 'gang' I sigh deeply "Sorry I didn't mean to E-Erm bump into you" I politely excuse myself trying to walk away, I get dragged back by the collar of my shirt "Think you could get away that easily Howell" he pushed me causing me to almost loose my balance. I slid in-between him a ran. I ran to the normal place I hang around. The back of the field outside under a big willow tree.

I sit there for a while getting lost in my own thoughts before being rudely interrupted by big blue eyes "Hello Dan!" I immediately recognize phils voice and sigh, why is he over here with me? He usually hangs around with Peej who is considered popular and even more popular with girls. I think way to much. "Is it okay if I hang with you for lunch?" He asks a smile plastered across his face, his place cheeks to noted slightly pink as I scan his face admiring his features "Y-Yeah that's fine" I manage to cough out leaning back on the tree staring at the clouds.

Clouds really interest me, the way they love and form different shapes I just find them extremely fascinating. I can feel Phil staring at me but choose to ignore him and concentrate on the clouds looking almost star struck as I try to make out certain shapes "I like clouds to" Phil suddenly speaks, his voice is deep and imbedded with a thick accent, I hesitate for a minute "Hm, yeah they are really fascinating in my opinion" I finally spit my words out a small smile tugging at my lips as I turn to Phil he just sat there mouth opened and staring at the sky his eyebrows furrowed "I prefer the sky at night" he suddenly mumbles "Why so?" I ask "The stars are so pretty and I feel like every star has its own little story you know? They are just really cool!" He shouts throwing his arms into the air enthusiastically which I fake smiled to it in response.

The bull rung indicating for us to go to our next lesson which for me is science. "well guess I'll see you later Dan!" He explains grinning, what does he mean later? Does he even consider me as a friend? Because I don't think of him as a friend more of an 'encounter' "Yeah I guess?" I answer a little confused until a feel small arms wrap around my neck, I hate psychical contact especially near my neck but I weakly and awkwardly wrap my arms around his waist and pull away. He waves politely and leaves.

More of an 'encounter' not a friend.

Once this reached 5 stars I'll publish the next chapter, please leave a star and maybe a comment! Also leave your story in the comments and I'll be sure to check it out.!!

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