Chapter 1

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Dylan's P.O.V

Waking up in the morning used to be my favourite thing. I was that rare kid who liked to wake up early so I didn't waste the day away. Not any more. You see I lost all motivation I previously had and I dread waking up each day. So the moment I hear my alarm clock going off with that dreadful beeping, you'd understand why I would groan and roll over, grab my alarm clock and bang it against my nightstand to shut it up.
My name is Dylan Styles. Last name sound familiar by any chance? Well considering I'm related Harry Styles, he's my twin, that would make sense. Growing up Harry and I were really close. We did practically everything together, we shared the same friends, same birthday, we played the same sports. He was always really talented. His voice would shock mums friends or just people walking down the street because for someone so young he was really good. It was no surprise when he wanted to audition for X-Factor, it was also no surprise when he got in. When he first left for boot camp it was a bit weird with it only being me and mum at home. Harry called occasionally at first but slowly the calling and texting slowly stopped. Even after he stopped calling I still watched the show and cheered him on. I met new people and slowly stopped watching the show. I couldn't handle not talking to my brother. It was hard. He was my best friend. What hurt me the most was when mum told me he called her at least once a week. He made me who I am today, and to be really honest I don't know if I should thank him for making me stronger or punch him in the face for making me heartless.
Waking up sucks now. The only things I have to look forward to is finding a new place to spray paint with my best friends Jaz and Nick, or what kind of crazy drugs I'll do today. Not the best motivation I'll admit but the feeling of getting fûcked up on some drug and forgetting about all the screwed up stuff in me life sounds pretty great to me.
With that in mind I sit on the edge of my bed and stretch my limbs out enjoying the feeling of several bones cracking, and glare at my hard wood floor regretting instantly not having my slippers to save me from the chill of my floor. I sit there pouting and contemplating wether I actually want to get up before saying fûck it and sprinting across the icy floor to my (thankfully) carpeted closet. Now keep in mind my closet is not a walk in closet so to keep my self from dying from the floor I grab my cute turtle slippers and slid them on. After I can finally relax I grab a simple pair of black legging, my favourite Def Leopard cami and a black oversized jumper that has the words 'bad choices, good stories' written in white on each arm. As I was in the process of changing I heard the muffled ringing of my phone.
"Shît" I said as I quickly pulled my jumper over my head, and searched for my phone, successfully throwing my comforter across the room along with my pillows. Out of breath I quickly answer my ringing phone not bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?"
"Be ready Nick and I are almost at your place but be quick if you want M." I grin to myself, having made my way over to my dresser and was partially done brushing through my wild brown curly hair.
"Molly? Sweet haven't done that since we were all at Kyle's what, three weeks ago?"
"Oh yea baby, where'd you think we got this shit?" Jaz laughed "anyways we'll be there in less than two minutes and Nick does not want to have another run in with your mum." I just laugh thinking about how the last time mum found him waiting on the couch for me and thought he was a thief of something and chased him out with a broom.
"It's not funny Dyl that happened two days ago. I still have a bruise on my back!" Nick's gruff voice was heard over the phone. I smiled quickly throwing my black Toms on. "Whatever I'll see you two in a sec". Hanging up I rush down the stairs and out the front door before I could be questioned where I was going. Conveniently Nick and Jaz rolled up just as I closed the door in Nick's dad's car. I slid into the back seat as the other two were in the front. "Lets go get high" I said with a huge grin on my face.

So this took a lot longer then I thought... I suddenly had the motivation to completely re-write this. Obvious things have changed like her name ... and the whole book... but I can promise this is the beginning of a way better storyline.

For anyone who's stuck around this long I'm sorry. I was fourteen when I started this and holy hell did I cringe just reading over it again. After this is posted the next chapter will be started so look forward to that soon.

Thank you my dear and I will see you soon ❤️🐢

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