Chapter 23 - Waking Up & Cuddles

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Third Person POV

Baekhyun's eyes cautiously opened, his pupils moving around to get a grasp of his surroundings. His lips parted, as if about to say something but he closed them again as his eyes landed on his crying boyfriend, it pained him immensely to see him like that. At least Xiumin is looking after him, Baekhyun thought. Xiumin's arm was secured around Suho whilst leaning against his own boyfriend. Next, Baekhyun saw Chanyeol, his best friend since the beginning of time. He wasn't crying, he just had red, sore eyes which looked tired and panicked, like be hadn't slept in days when in reality it had been around six hours. Then Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo, whom had a calm, serene look on his face but his eyes told a whole other story.

Baekhyun looked over to the cold, hard floor where Sehun and Luhan were seated, huddled with a small fluffy blanket. Luhan was sleeping peacefully, but with a tear stained face and Sehun was staring off into space - his arms were bandaged and he looked disconnected with reality.

The fragile boy looked over the rest of his friends that were fast asleep. He would have liked to think they were sleeping peacefully but, honestly? Their faces looked troubled and Baekhyun could read them like a book.

A small but heavy sigh left his lips as he put his head back to the pillow, he made sure to be quiet so that he wouldn't have to talk to anyone just yet. He didn't know what to say. Everyone looked so distressed and it was all his fault, just like Max had predicted.


'You're still fat you loser! Just because I got kicked out of school that doesn't mean you won't see me around. You know, even if you did tell anyone what you're doing to yourself it would only bring others harm. Is that really what you want? To trouble your friends? And what about your boyfriend? Do you really want to make him cry? Just keep on starving yourself Baekhyun; you're worthless.'

{End of FlashBack}

Baekhyun plucked up the courage to finally speak, his dry lips parted and he began to speak, 'G-Guys.' His hoarse voice was barely audible as it broke through the icy silence. Five pairs of eyes turned towards him, Sehun, Chanyeol, Xiumin, Kyungsoo and lastly, Suho.

'B-b-b-baekh-' Suho tried to say his boyfriends name as he fell onto his knees in shock.

'Suho!' Baekhyun shouted, worried as he boyfriend collapsed onto the floor. He sat up quickly in his bed and tried to get off to help, failing miserably.

'NO! I'm okay Baekhyun, stay there.' Suho said as he made his way over to the bed, taking his boyfriend into his arms for the first time in six hours.

'I'm so sorry.' Suho wept into Baekhyun's shoulder.

'It's okay babe. I'm okay. I won't do it anymore. I promise.' Baekhyun reassured Suho and stroked his hair.

'Welcome back to reality, Baekkie.' Chanyeol smiled softly and playfully hit his shoulder, trying to hold in his tears.

'I'm sorry if I worried you guys..'

Sehun finally stood up and walked over to the bed, 'I'm really sorry Baek I'm your best friend. I-I, I should have done something, I should have noticed. But I didn't. And hate that about myself.'

'It's okay Sehun. I'm okay now.' Baekhyun whispered as he hugged into his best friend.


Two Weeks Later

Chanyeol's POV

'Baekhyun can finally come practice again! It's a good thing too, with the competition being in under a week. I'm just glad he's okay now.' Kyungsoo happily said whilst dancing around joyfully.

'Same, I'm happy that he's eating okay now. We need to catch Max though. I swear I'm going to kill him.' I muttered the last part under my breath.

'As much as I'd love that I don't want my boyfriend to be locked away.' Kyungsoo pouted.

I chuckled lightly and took two cokes out of the fridge and the popcorn that was ready out of the microwave.

'Let's watch our film then babe.' I smiled and handed him his drink.

It's been a while since we've got to just sit down and be together because of all the stuff that's been going on. I'm not complaining though, I'd do anything for my best friend. Nevertheless, it's nice to have some cuddle time with Kyunggie and any spare time we've had recently has gone to practicing and rehearsing for the competition. Which, when Kyungsoo and I were practicing alone of course, usually lead to a hot make out session and then who knows what. Again, not that I'm complaining though, but it's good to have some time to relax.

We sat down on the sofa and I pulled Kyungsoo close to me and ran my hand through his hair.

'I love you a lot.' I whispered to his ear and planted a kiss onto his forehead.

'And I love you a lot too.' Kyungsoo giggled cutely and pressed his lips against mine and then started to film up. Despicable Me? Greeeaat. Anything for my Kyungsoo though, I rolled my eyes jokingly as he squealed at how 'adorable the minions are'. He started to get annoying so I shoved some popcorn in his mouth and peppered his face with light kisses, which seemed to shut him up.

Kyungsoo's dad stopped at the doorway as he was about to walk upstairs.
'What did you do to deserve this Chan? Did you make him cry or something? Did you pick the short straw?' He joked.
Kyungsoo launched some popcorn at his dad moodily, 'Stop interfering dad!'

'Nah, I just love him.' I smiled as he went up the stairs pretending to vomit from my greasiness.


I hope the story is getting more lighthearted now! But soon there will be a bit of drama in Chansoo's life.....! Also, I published the intro to my new astro fanfic, First Love - An Astro Fanfiction (Dongha, Junjin & Moonrock), it would be great if you could go vote for it and read it! Only if you guys want to though;) I know this is quite short but I didn't pre write any of this, I wrote it just now and I have a big Chemistry test tomorrow! But hopefully the short chapter means I can update again this week! ^^ Have a great day guys, thank you for all your support :)

~Jess ❤️

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