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Scott- He isn't shy if PDA, but doesn't over do it. If the opportunity arises, sure, he'll kiss or hug you, but going over the top takes the magic away.

Stiles- He is proud to have you by his side, so he will get in as much PDA as he can get away with in reason, e.g. kissing, touching, hugging.

Derek- he is overprotective, si he uses PDA as a defence sometimes. He isn't really aware of the situation.

Jackson- definitely not. He will not be seen as being sift and loving. Unless another guy is after you. Then the hugs come out. And the inappropriate-for-school touching.

Isaac- he is shy, and so isn't brave enough to come over for no reason just to kiss you. But when your with each other he'll be sure to hold your hand, and wrap his arm around you.

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