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~Written by Rosye Dray~

July 31, 1954. A small baby girl was born to two immortal vampires. 


Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen smiled as Carlisle wrapped a small baby up in a pink blanket. Jasper kissed Alice's forehead and she looked up to Jasper's golden eyes with her own. Alice had just finished giving birth to their baby girl. Carlisle passed the baby over to Alice who held the small infant to her chest. Alice looked at the baby, the baby slowly opened it eyes and revealed crimison red eyes. Jasper kissed the top of Alice's head again and Alice continued to take in the baby girl's features. Blonde hair, crimsion eyes, pale skin and she was small like her mother. She was adorable. 

"What are you going to name her?" Carlisle asked. Alice and Jasper glanced at each other before looking to Carlisle. In unison the two said, "Darcy." 

Carlisle smiled and started to fill out the infant's birth certificate. Jasper went over to Carlisle and Alice looked at Darcy again. The baby was looking up at Alice with love in her eyes. Alice was a little taken back. The little baby was already forming emotions. Alice then smiled and kissed the top of the girl's head. 

Jasper walked back over and held out his arms. Alice gently placed Darcy in his arms and got off of the bed. She walked to the other side of the room and pulled a curtain across the sheild herself while she changed into some new clothes. 

When she came out she saw how Jasper was rocking on his feet smiling at his daughter. Alice walked forward and wrapped her arms around Jasper. Smiling, he looked over and gave her a feathery kiss. 

As soon as he kissed her, a vision popped in her head. Aro and the rest of the Volturi had arrived that the Cullen house with a man who had power flowing through him. Jasper quickly handed Darcy over to her mother as Carlisle lead Aro and the rest of the Volturi in. 

"Ah, Alice and Jasper.. and who is this little cutie?" Aro questioned, as he looked at the small bundle in Alice's arms. Alice was guarding the child protectively. 

"Her name is Darcy. She's our daughter." Jasper stated. Aro nodded and replied, "Well may I hold her?"  Alice looked to Carlisle. He slightly nodded. Alice handed Darcy over and Aro looked at Darcy with interset. 

"So she's immortal and was born, am I correct." Aro said, walking around the room. The three vegetarian vampires nodded. Alice looked to Darcy, the baby's eyes were closed. 

"How do we know that she would be no harm. Would not explicit us to the humans?" Aro asked looking around at the other Volturi members. That's when Carlisle stepped forward. 

"I'll make a deal with you. You leave my family and this little girl alone. You can put magic into her and render her like a human. I've looked it up. A sorceror can put power into a vampire and they can become like a human but be very much immortal." Carlisle explained. Aro nodded as he listened. 

"I'll make the deal. But if the girl steps one foot out of line and tries to show herself, we will kill her and the rest of you." Aro said, making the deal clear. Aro set the small child on the bed and the soceror stepped forward. He put one hand on the child's head and the other on her stomach.

"Armao chrismtan wolia beloa expleas humania vampyra." The soceror chanted in a British accent. A bright blue light shined from his hands. Darcy glowed. As soon as the glow disappeared, the soceror collaspsed. Darcy began to cry, her wails filling the room.

Alice walked forward, scooped the girl into her arms and snuggled her to her chest. Soon Darcy's cries quieted and she went into a dream filled sleep. Alice looked to Carlisle.

"She's asleep!" Alice said in disbelief. Carlisle shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room with the Volturi. Jasper wrapped his arm around Alice's waist and brought her close. The two walked out of the room and into the family room where the rest of the Cullens were waiting. Emse, Carlisle's wife, Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie Hale. They looked to the couple all smiling widely.

"Guy's meet... Darcy Piper Hale." Jasper said in his Southern accent. Rosalie was the first across the room. She cooed at the baby. Alice rolled her eyes slightly and passed Darcy to Rosalie. Over the next 30 minutes Darcy was passed to every person in the room.

Alice leaned her head against Jasper's shoulder. She was happy. He was happy. They have a daughter. A family. They even get to see her grow up.

This is the beginning.. Everything changes when Bella Swan comes into Edward's life. But maybe the changes aren't bad changes.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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