Marking Territory

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Your POV

I awoke the next morning in his arms. He had himself wrapped around me so I couldn't escape, even if I wanted to. He whimpered and pleaded for me to stay with him.

He shot up, awake and alert. He scanned the room before finally seeing me laying next to him, he calmed down and wrapped his arms around me.

"I vas afraid zhat jou had left me. Promise jou von't leave me, villingly?" He asked. I had limited options. Either say yes and stay with him forever or say no and die.

I wasn't sure what to do, I didn't want to be his forever and I didn't want to die. What could I do? My best bet was to stay with him even though I really didn't want to.

I sighed and promised to not leave him willingly anyway. He grinned happily and hugged me and kept telling me how much he loved me and how he only wanted my love in return and for me to stay with him.

He eventually fell asleep again and he kept himself wrapped around me. Now what? I was stuck with an insane killer who would kill me if I tried to leave him.

Time skip to later

I was sitting on the couch when he came by and laid down next to me. "Hallo mein love." He said. "Hey Josef." I replied calmly. He laid there observing me for a while "Is there a reason why you're watching me?" I asked. He chuckled "Nein, no reason darling. Zhat reminds me, I haff not marked jou as mine yet."

Mark me as his? What did that even mean?! Before I could ask he had picked me up bridal style.

Time skip to later

He had his arm wrapped around me, holding me close to him. He had locked the door beforehand so I couldn't escape. He pulled me close to him and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

I already had a few bloodied bite wounds from him. "Love bites" he called them. The bites were still a little bloody but he had licked most of the blood off my neck. He mumbled in his sleep, I don't know what he said though.

All I knew was my neck and body was sore, he had his arm wrapped around me, and a little blood trickled down my neck. He awoke a little "Love, jour neck!" He exclaimed. He licked up the blood and bandaged the bites in an effort to stop the bleeding.

The bleeding quickly stopped but he left the bandages on just to make sure the bites didn't get infected or anything else. He gently hugged me "Zhat marks jou as mine love." Now I'm kinda his... Great.

"Love, sei mein? I know I marked jou as mine but I still haff to know." I gave him a confused expression. He smiled lovingly at me "Be mine?" He asked again in English. Me?! His?! Why me?!

I sighed "Sure, why not?" I replied. He grinned happily and smashed his lips onto mine. I stood there unsure of how to react. He eventually broke the kiss and smiled at me.

"Ich liebe dich (Y/N). Mein love." He said happily. I nervously smiled, afraid of what he would do if I didn't show any reaction. He grinned insanely, but happily, at me.

I gulped but he wrapped his arms around me before I could run. He then pulled me close to him so I could feel his warm breath on my neck which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I was still afraid of him for what he does but he never tried to hurt me. Maybe I should trust him, maybe I should stay here with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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