The basement

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I open my eyes, unsure of my surroundings. I may as well of kept my eyes closed as I cant tell any difference in the lighting. Darkness and silence fills the air. I cant remember anything. Where am I? What am I doing? How did I even get here? My thoughts make me curious and I begin to stand up  before I am struck down to the floor again with a shooting pain running down my spine. I reach my hand out, trying to grab something, anything. A torch, a cellphone, some water. My hand touches something wet and slimy, a puddle. It feels like liquid yet its way thicker than water. I lay still on my back for a few more minutes in total agony before realising I am never going to get anywhere unless I fight off the pain and get to my feet. I clear my lungs and take a deep breath in before quickly standing to my feet in one swift movement. My legs feel like jelly and my ribs feel cracked and broken but I take a step forward to stop me from falling back down to the ground. I waddle around the room shuffling my feet along the ground, my arms outstretched infront of me like a zombie returning from the dead. Suddenly my hand hits something cold and hard like a stone, yet its floating in the air and attached to a thick rough rope. I grab the swinging object and my instincts take over, giving it one mighty tug. Suddenly a stream of light comes flooding into the room from the ceiling, revealing everything. I close my eyes for a second to let myself get used to the bright rays of light ive just been introduced to. I open my eyes and look around the room, and begin to wish I hadnt...

I sudddenly realise what the puddle was that I put my hand in. Blood. Its all over the place, all over the room. The source of the blood is obvious aswell. Theres about ten bodies laying in a heap in the corner. They're all teenage girls around my age, 15. I clap my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming out in horror. What the hell has happened? I seem to be the only one alive in this room and I need to get out quick before I become just another body added to the pile in the corner. 

I turn back around and realise the rope i tugged wasnt just a light switch, the light was comming from the room above and the rope was actually to pull down some stairs. I smile in disbelief. I'm not normally the lucky type. There's no time to loose. I set off slowly and painfully up the flight of old creaky steps one by one. Once I manage to get to the top of the stairs my legs are shaking violently, my ribs are aching, my head is spinning, my lungs are craving for air and my eyes are all blurry. The only thing that stops me from collapsing or passing out is the thought of all thoes bodys downstairs and what caused them to be there. Was I meant to be dead like them? Well I am not sticking around to find out. 

I slowly and cautiously make my way round this random persons house. It all seems pretty normal to me. If I was a random guest or person visiting this house I would never of have guessed there was around ten bodys in the basement. I work my way through the kitchen. This house is basically all wooden. The floor boards creek with every move I take. I enter through another door and I find myself in the kitchen. All the cupboards, shelves, worksurfaces, floors and even ceilings are made of solid oak wood. It smells of rotting fish and old cheese in the kitchen and judging by the state of it, there is probably some still rotting away in one of hte cupboards. I look all around and spot the back door in the corner of the kitchen. I hurriedly make my way over and grab the handle. Its open! phew. I get outside and feel a gust of air hit my sweaty, dirty face. My pace quickens and my walk soon turns into a sprint. I make a break for it. Down through the garden. Through the over grown trees and grass. Wild plants and flowers springing up in all places possible. All this time my ribs are killing me and my head is pounding but I run like theres no tomorrow. My adrenaline is on a high. I'm out of here.

I turn to see a clear gravel pathway. Yes! I hear a car comming closer. Maybe they will bring help. Maybe I can catch a lift with them to the police station. The car turnes into the driveway I am heading down. Oh shit! This isnt my lucky escape car. This is the car being driven by the man that put me here. I dive into the bushes hoping he is either blind or stupid and didnt see me. No such luck. I hear the car screech to a halt and the man jumps out. Heavy footsteps come thundering towards me. I leap up from where I am sitting and sprint as fast as my legs can take me. I run down the driveway and down the dissapointing dirt road. I cant see the end of it! I know he is going to catch me but I dont give up. I keep pelting down the road, all the time hearing his steady breathing and loud footsteps a few metres behind me. When he senses I am slowing down, he speeds up. He must be really fit as we have been running for about 5 minutes hard out and he still sounds all relaxed and calm, where as I am wheezing and panting from the sudden burst of exercise my brain has been shocked with. I cant do it. I'm weak. I'm injured. Im going to die. I close my eyes as I feel the sudden sharp jurk on my collar, dragging me back into his arms. He pulls out a damp cloth and holds it over my mouth and nose. "Goodnight princess" he says bitterly. My eyes are heavy and my world turns black. 

Hope you like my story. Its my first one ever on wattpad so I hope you arnt too bored. :o Comment pleease. It would mean so much to me!!

My mind opens before my eyes do. For a second I think I am back at home again in the comfort of my own bed with a loving family just a few rooms away. But when I feel the rough sheets and stone hard ground that I have been thrown upon my heart sinks back down to the floor. My body is frail and weak and I find it a struggle to open my eyes without flinching in pain. I slowly sit up and look around the room. No dead people. Well I guess thats a positive side to things. Instead of being in some damp and lonely basement I find myself inside some rather cosy looking room. Four maroon coloured walls reflect the sun thats beaming through the curtains turning the whole room a scarlet colour. I gaze astonishingly for a second before jerking myself awake and into action. I roll out of the make do bed and check the door. Its locked. What was I thinking? He was the one that put me here to start with. I turn back around and see the window. Four narrow steal bars that not even a cat could fit through block my only other exit.  This is where I would imagine some flying car to come along and pull me out the house to freedom and safety. I sit back down and curl up in a ball. I close my eyes tightly and tell myself its all just one big nightmare. Except if this were a nightmare, then I wouldnt have opened my eyes to see the face of my kidnapper standing beside me. 

Okay so I know I havent updated in a while :p Oh well I will try write more stories and update more from now :D 

My hands start shaking and my body feels like its going to concave any second. "I thought you were never going to wake up" the man says with a smirk on his face. I feel sick just hearing his voice again. What does he want? What is he going to do to me? Why me? All these questions keep playing over and over in my head like a sound track stuck on repeat. I pull the rough canvas blankets over my body as I realise I am only wearing a thin sheet that has obviously been fashioned into some type of make shift dress. "Now heres the deal, you be good and you wont get hurt, you hear me?" The man says taking one step closer to me. "Reply to me when I am talking to you" he says with a cold edge in his voice. I look up slowly. "Yes." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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