Chapter 7-Blurry

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Down at the skatepark, it was busier than this morning Kira noticed. Then again, most skaters had the tendency to sleep in. Or was that some old stereotype? She shrugged, brushing away the random thought. Now wasn't the time to get lost in thoughts, she had to find Mark and find out some answers or the truth. Hopefully, it was something logical. That was all Kira could seem to concentrate on, as she watched the passing skateboarders, hoping one was Mark. Finally, her eyes landed on him, off away from everyone else. She rushed over, stepping in front of him with a smile. "I found Waldo!" she joked with a laugh.

Mark raised an eyebrow, questioning her opening statement. What a strange kid. "I'm not anything like that Waldo character! If you're referring to the fact that he is nearly impossible to find. I stand out." he said stubbornly.

Kira shook her head. "Not exactly, anyway, can we find a place to site down... in private? I need to show you something and it involves a certain story.." she trailed off, glancing over at a couple of trees nearby that provided shade.

"Sure thing, sure thing, just lead the way."

She did what Mark said, and sat down underneath the two trees. "Okay, now that we are alone, I have to ramble out basically what has happened so far. You ready?" Kira asked, looking into Mark's eyes, guarded.

Mark hesitated, but nodded his head after a few seconds. "Yeah, whatever you need to do K. I'm listening."

Kira took a deep breath, then began. "Remember how two nights ago approximately, we met up again? And do you recall the paranormal story you told me?" She waited for him to agree, before continuing on. "Okay, and I obviously didn't believe it. I don't believe in ghosts and demons, or anything creepy. Later on that day, after we had the stupid argument.. I went down to the theater, since photography always calms me down. Anyway, after taking a few pictures, I noticed some odd grey spots. I assumed I made a stupid error, like my hand was shaking too much or something along those lines, so I went home, calling it a night. Then, the next day, I decided to come here and that's when the same strange shapes were in all the pictures! This time, it almost looked like heat waves but foggy at the same time. I'm freaking out though now because, well, I can't even blame it on natural weather since fog doesn't appear mid morning. It makes no sense, this whole situation, and that's what kills me. I tried talking to Dee before, and she didn't see any of what I was talking about, so now she probably thinks I'm insane and out of my mind. That's when I decided I would talk to you, and bring this up. Mark, I'm begging for some sort of explanation." she finished off, breathing hard.

Mark reached over after Kira finished the story, gently prying the camera out of her hands. "Okay, so let me get this straight, basically, you're seeing shit?" he asked, turning the camera on. If so, that was awesome! With proof!

Kira resisted the urge to facepalm. "I hope I'm not seeing things." Were mental asylums as bad as the movies portrayed them? She was dreading the thought already...


"What?!" Kira asked, almost shouting. She bit her lip, then whispered "You see it too, right?!"

Mark shook his head. "Unfortunately, not."

Kira slammed her hand down on the grass angrily, trying her best not to scream. "I swear Mark! I wouldn't lie and make up this whole story! That would be basically admitting you're right!" she said, fuming. This was frustrating!

Mark set the camera down after flipping through every photo saved on there, and grinned. "Well, well, well! It looks like one of my paranormal stories finally got to Miss Kira! But seriously, my dad wouldn't lie to a friend so it wasn't really a story but moreso a rumour that I was suppose to hear..."

"Your damn stupid story didn't get to me Mark. I'm not lying, I swear. Someone else has to see what I see.. you two are just as blind as a bat." Kira mumbled angrily, wondering why she suddenly had a temper. Kira was always the calm and composed one. Now, she seemed to full of anger ready to explode at any given time.

Quickly, Mark held his hands up in self defense. "I was joking around, jeez." he mumbled, glancing back up at Kira. "Seriously though, I would go get this checked out. Maybe your camera is acting up. There's a logical explanation."

"But you guys don't see it either!" Kira said, frustrated.

"It could be a scratched cornea you know." Mark said suddenly, while she gave him a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about look. "Like, something wrong with your vision. Sometimes it can lead to blindness, so for all we know, you could be going colourblind."

"That is a good theory, but highly unlikely." Kira sighed, laying down on her stomach. What other ideas could there possible be?

"Maybe it's an overactive imagination. Kids always have that. I'm not calling you a kid or anything but, just a suggestion. Basically, your mind could be seeing all this, yet others can't, because of the story. It may have not got to you, seemingly, but deep down it did and some form of paranoia is taking over. Next thing you know, you could be coming to me screaming about how windows are being smashed open and you hear someone scratching it."

This time, Kira had to facepalm. "That... just no. How did you manage to think of something so detailed, yet you use to struggle to remember what you ate for lunch."

"I'm deep." Mark joked with a small chuckle. "How about this... these grey blobs could be dead people, and it's back to the sixth sense sort of thing, and you have to help them out! Like that one show, Ghost Whisperer, with Jennifer Love-Hewitt?"

"Mark, you're so ridiculous."

"I know."

"Look, I give up. Sorry for putting this all on you." she apologized, standing up. "I'll talk to you later." She started walking away, not wanting to argue with her friends anymore than she already had the past couple of days. Now, Kira's goal was to go back to her dorm room, sit down with a glass of ice tea, notebook, pen and camera, to figure out the mysterious grey blurs. What they were, who they were, where they came from and why they showed up in the first place.

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