Chapter 27: Darth Sidious

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Anakin stepped back from the duel he was having from Luke, glancing at the time as he sheathed his lightsaber. "Luke, we should probably start heading for Palpatine's; we have to be there soon for that meeting."

Luke nodded, sheathing his lightsaber as well and clipping it to his side with a slight tremble of his hands.

Anakin, ever observant, did not miss the action or the waves of nervousness he was now feeling from the young man. "Are you all right?"

Luke let out a long sigh, grimacing. "No, I'm a nervous wreck."


"You'll see soon enough."

Anakin shifted uncomfortably at the statement, but led the way through the Temple and to the speeder they were taking to the Senate Building. Along the way Anakin spotted Master Windu making his way towards them. Anakin paused, Luke staying by his side as Windu approached.

"Anakin, you're headed to Palpatine's, right?" Windu asked.

"Yes, Luke and I are headed there now," Anakin told him.

Windu nodded. "When you get there, I'm sure he would like to know that General Kenobi has confronted General Grievous."

Anakin felt his stomach do a flip at the news, but he kept his face impassive. "I'll be sure to tell him."

Windu gave a curt nod, his eyes falling on Luke for a second. Windu frowned, probably sensing Luke's growing unease, but said nothing. He simply gave a slight bow and continued on his way.

Luke and Anakin stared after the elder Jedi for several moments before they continued on their way to Palpatine's. Luke was silent for most of the walk, lost in his own thoughts.

"Do you have your com link with you?" Luke asked out of the blue, startling Anakin.


"Just wondering."

Anakin stopped his son, searching the other man's eyes intently. "Luke, what are you not telling me?"

Luke met Anakin's gaze steadily, though there was an undercurrent of sadness in his eyes and even fear. "Just make sure you're ready."

"Will you not tell me anything else? I feel like you're letting me walk into something blind, and I don't really like that feeling."

Luke looked away, over Coruscant and towards the Senate Building. "Sidious is there."

Anakin stiffened. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. He's waiting for us."

Anakin swallowed the lump that had appeared in his throat, regaining his composure. "Then we better hurry, shouldn't we? We don't want to keep him waiting."

"No, though he'll probably take his time in revealing himself, so I'm in no hurry," Luke mumbled. Anakin could tell that his son was nervous, probably dreading the oncoming confrontation. He put a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"We're going to be fine, Luke, don't worry. This isn't the Second Death Star."

Luke mumbled something under his breath about having plenty to worry about, but Anakin didn't comment on it. "Come on," he said instead, getting in the speeder.

"I hope Obi-Wan's all right," Luke said as Anakin started up the speeder and drove them towards the Senate Building.

"I'm sure he will be," Anakin said, though he seemed unsure, like he was reassuring himself.

Luke glanced at Anakin. "So, when we see Sidious, do you have any sort of plan?"

"Tell the Council who Sidious is and then confront him. Pretty simple, really."

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