Magcon day!

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*Skip to the end of the week*

Today was Friday and the day I went to magcon. I was so exited and didn't no what to expect. I have never gone to one of these before so I didn't no what was going to happen. My mom got me the V.I.P. Tickets so I got to meet them! It was about and hour drive to get from my city to where the event was. It was about 3:00 when I got out of school I had told all of my friends that I was going to magcon and they were all so jealous. Liz was mad because I got to meet hunter and Jacob and she didn't. Haha! Lol anyway I got home and walked in to see a very familiar face. IT WAS CLEO!
"Cleo omg why are you here!" I screamed and ran into her arms
"I'm going with you to magcon" she told me and I was in shock!
"That's amazing, how long are you staying in Ohio?" I asked
" the hole week! And I'm staying here with you!" She said exited
I can't believe that she is actually here how could this day get any better, oh yeah I forgot I'm going to fricking magcon!!! With my best friend may I add! We got in the car and started to drive when we stopped at a house. It was Liz's house!
"Mom what are we doing here?" I asked suspicious
"Well her mom and me know how much she loves Hunter so she is coming with us too!"
"OMG REALLY!" I screeched
"Yes but we didn't tell her so it is a suprise. Now go get her!" My mom demanded
I went up and knoked on the door. Liz answered and looked really supposed to see me. She was in pjs and had no makeup on.
" you look really ugly." I said while laughing
"Wow thanks Autumn" she said sarcastically
" you need to go change like right now!" I said at the top of my lungs
"I get I look bad but I don't feel like changing" she said
"Well ok if you want to go to magcon dressed like a hobo that's fine with me!"
"WHAT!!" She practically screamed in my ear
" yeah your coming with me!" I said
"Ok I'll be right back!"
She came back five minutes later and was all dressed up and ready to go. We all got in the car and started to drive into Cleveland.

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