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Maybe she's kind of girl in school you thought she's a slut with a thick make-up, red lipstick on, and short skirt which is expose her beautiful legs but it was hidden by a knee high socks. With her swallow eyes, maybe you thought she was slept or having one night stand with tons of males the day before so she was so busy and didn't have a time to sleep.

She's the girl everyone called whore just because she got a red lipstick on even if she went to school. She still used it. Maybe some people questioning why she should take that red lipstick just to go to school, and others judged her because they thought she wore it to tease some men so they could sleep together the night after. And the most unique thing about her, she always wear a knee high socks wheter it is summer, winter, autumn, or spring. She always used it. She is Diana.

But, she's not the whore you barely see, she didn't have any friends. Not at all. She'a not in the cheerleader team or kind of. She was alone. Nobody wanted to greet her, they looked at her like she's a failure and dirty slut. She was okay with that. Because she used to. But, one thing that seemed so strange about her is if she is a slut, why no one ever see her sleep with a guy in the school?

Danu was curious, why everyone called her a whore just because her appearance? It doesn't make any sense. But, he doesn't care. The thing is now, he wants her and he will get after her. Immediately.

First of all, cerita ini akan ditulis dalam bahasa. Kenapa? Karena aku bingung how to write it in English. Takut malah gak sesuai aturan gitu. Tata bahasaku juga masih hancur banget. Yaterus kok intronya Bahasa Inggris? Karena sebenarnya awalnya mau buat oneshoot but then again aku tiba-tiba mikir lebih enak dibagi-bagi. Aku diemin intronya kaya gini soalnya memang itu ide awalnya. In case, you all questioning about this whole mess. Hehe. Enjoy!

The Girl Who Wears A Knee High SocksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang