The Girl

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She had to tell someone. She wanted to tell someone and he wanted to tell them everything but who?
Her friends? No. She couldn't tell them, she didn't have many to start off with but to talk to the few that she did have would be hard, if not a mistake.
There was Ellie but she already has enough going on and besides, she's trusted her once too many times before. She couldn't trust her again.
There was Jessica who was a really good friend to talk to but Jessica would probably make fun of her or taunt her with it in time to come.
There was also Emily. A good friend but get on Emily's bad side and she would tell everyone everything and would also add her own little things into the story to make it seem even more worse than it would already be.
Last but certainly not least was her closest of friends Sophie. She was a brilliant friend to have and a great listener but she wasn't the best with advice and she was the type of person that would only talk about it once and wouldn't check back up on the girl afterwards to see how she was doing so she couldn't talk to any of her friends.
The girl couldn't tell her parents because she doesn't get along with her dad, her mum would turn it into a fight and her stepdad would taunt the girl and tell her to get over whatever it was she was worrying about but it isn't that easy is it? To just 'get over' something that is of a great deal to you and has affected you in such a way.
The girl had been sent to school counsellors by her music teacher after she had taken a panic attack in the class after each classmate had to take a picture for a project they were working on and as the girl was extremely self-conscious, she had refused until the music teacher just came up to her desk and just took the picture when the girl had least expected it and that's when she took the panic attack. The music teacher took the girl out of the room and wouldn't let her leave until she told him what was wrong. The girl broke into tears and told him that she felt lonely and she feels like shit all the time. He didn't speak for a while until he finally said "I know how you feel. When I was your age I felt exactly the same, feeling like no one loves you or cares for you and if you were to leave the world no one notice. Come on, let's go for a walk and talk about it."
They went for a walk around the school and sat down on a bench across from the school counsellors office and they just talked. The girl had always admired her music teacher because of his positivity, humour, slight good looks;) and because he listened and seemed to care about all of his students even if some of the students were massive dickheads.
While they were sitting on the bench he told the girl stories of his relatable past troubles that probably no on else in the school knew of. The girl never told anyone of his stories as such trust with a student should never be broken. It would be wrong to tell anyone else of his past as he trusted her so much to tell it.
The door from the counsellors office opened and the counsellor was standing there and called the girl in. The girl never liked counsellors as the last one she went to told her she wouldn't be taking her for appointments anymore because 'people have it worse.'
With much persuasion from her music teacher, the girl walked in.
She didn't say much though, she chose who she told things to very carefully as it was hard to trust anyone since she last spoke with the boy.

Hi! So this is my first story, hope you like it. The first chapter is pretty shitty but I promise you the next couple are better!
Thanks for reading :)

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