Chapter 1: Juvia's Attempt

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The sun had just begun it's ascent into the sky, it's rays of light shining upon the colored leaves of the trees in the town of Magnolia, birds singing and flying around in the cool autumn air. A beautiful day, as many would think. As a matter of fact, it was a day so beautiful, that Juvia Lockser had decided to take an early morning stroll before she put her plan into action.

For those of you who are wondering about what this plan of hers may be, let's just say it's similar to that one plan she had, the one with that bubbly love potion. Except this time, the potion is the real deal. And yes, it really is, because a very kind lady had told her it's history.

-Flashback: The Previous Day-

A bell jingled noisily when Juvia opened the door to the small store that sat near the edge of town. Juvia coughed as she entered; the air inside was a little stale, but she adjusted rather quickly. She spotted what seemed to be the front desk, but she didn't see anyone standing behind it.

"Hello?" She called out. When she didn't get an answer, she walked further into the store. "Hello? Is anybody here?"

"I'm right here, darling," said a feminine voice from behind her.

Juvia jumped slightly, turning around to see a smiling woman who seemed to be in her late 40's or early 50's; she had short grey-ish brown hair, was slightly chubby, and she was just a little taller than Juvia. She had light blue eyes that seemed almost grey, and she had reading glasses hooked on the neckline of her pink long-sleeved shirt. She had on a brown wool shawl, and her ankle-length skirt was a tan-ish color. In Juvia's opinion, this middle-aged lady seemed a bit out of place here---it was kind of dark, with some old-fashioned candle sconces here and there, and the air was, like she noted earlier, slightly stale. And it was as she was thinking all of this that she realized the woman was speaking to her. "Sorry, could you repeat what you said for Juvia?"

The lady chuckled. "Is that your name, then, dear?" Juvia nodded in response with a shy smile. "Well then, Juvia, I said 'welcome to my humble little shop'. May I ask what has brought you here?"

"Oh! Well, you see, Juvia saw an old flyer floating about as she was stalk-er, walking with her beloved Gray and she caught it when it flew in front of her. It said something about a potion shop and it gave an address, so Juvia decided to see if it was still here." She looked around her and noted that there were plenty of bookshelves with books, but she didn't see any potions. "However, it seems that this is not the potion shop...Juvia thinks it is actually a library."

"Well, it is a library, but it's still a potion shop." The woman turned towards one of the closer shelves and took out a book, opening it and flipping through a couple pages. She stopped at one and moved to stand next to Juvia, showing her the contents of the page. "This is a library for learning about potions, and how to make them. I am a master in this art, so I like to share the knowledge with others who wish to pursue the art of potion-making." She closed the book gently and placed it back where she had gotten it. Juvia could see that, even as the lady turned to face her again, she treated these books with great care. "So Juvia, why is it that you wanted to come to my potion shop?"

Juvia stood up straighter, which caused the woman to raise a brow. "Juvia would like to know if your shop possesses a love potion."

The way that the girl seemed to state this instead of actually asking the question puzzled the woman, but she waved it off with a kind laugh. "A love potion? Why of course!" She unhooked her glasses and put them on, a smile still plain on her face. "Come," she said to Juvia, "let me show you!"

Juvia followed the woman to a separate room in the back of the store behind the front desk, and instead of shelves with books, she saw shelves with bottles of liquid. Some of the bottles seemed a bit fancier than others, and others were shaped strangely. Many of the bottles were of different colors, ranging from a dark burgundy to a color that almost perfectly matches the color of thunderstorm clouds, a stormy, cloudy dark grey.

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