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The jet slowly touched down on top of the X-men's hideout. To most it appeared to be a school for mutants but not anymore it wasn't. The rest of the X-men who had stayed behind in the mission rushed to greet the returning heroes. Charles Xavier wheeled his silver wheelchair along with them. Logan and Kitty stepped out of the jet. Kitty's right eyes had a huge black patch over it and Logan looked distressed.

" How did it go?" Charles asked in concern.

Logan didn't even say anything, he just grunted and stormed past everyone, shaking his head angrily. Beast and Kurt made their way out of the jet next but Kurt had someone in his arms. That person was lying limp, not moving at all, barely breathing. The X-men ran forward to see what had happened, who was this person.

" We need help!" Storm yelled in horror.

Charles quickly made his way over and stared in surprise at the tiny little girl in Kurt's arms. Her lips were very light coloured, her skin seriously pail. She looked dead.

" What is this?" He asked in surprise.

" Her family froze her in a casket until we found her. They said she could save or destroy the world," Kurt said quietly.

The professor's eyes widened and he looked closer at the girl, touching her limp hand he recoiled at the cold that her skin was radiating.

" Get her inside quickly!" He gasped.

Kurt dispaappeared and reappeared in the medical rooms in the school, playing the girl on the metal table he was struck again by how much she reminded him of himself.

" I just don't understand it!" Beast commented in surprise.

" What? What's happened?" Charles asked.

" She's been frozen for at least three years. She seems to have put herself in a coma to withstand the cold but what I don't understand is that her blood is unlike any mutant's I've ever seen. It has several properties suggesting that she has several powers. I just don't understand it!" Beast explained, looking at the completely still girl in front of him.

They had been watching her for days and she hadn't moved, was barely breathing and showed no signs of waking up.

" I think she's in a dreaming state, remembering what happened to her life in the form of dreams. Once they end she might just wake uo on her own," Beast suggested.

Charles nodded, seemed logical enough.

" I think it would be good to know a bit about her before she awakes,in case she's dangerous," Beast added.

Charles nodded and put his hands on her forehead that remained ice cold. Instantly he was transported in to her mind. It was all wrong. He could usually read their thoughts, sometimes see what they were seeing but not this. He was in complete darkness. The only light came from the glowing girl staring straight at him. He was walking in her mind. She looked exactly like the girl in the coma except that she was wearing a black dress with a black cloak.

" You can't be here," she said simply.

" What?" Charles asked in surprise.

" My physical self is slightly immobile right now and so I am in charge of guarding her mind from people like you," she said angrily.

" How are you even talking to me?" Charles asked her.

" the some way you tell people to do things using your mind. You can't see her thoughts. Most are so hard to bear for her that it would kill any other person who saw them. Go before you die!" She snapped.

" GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" She added in a yell.

Instantly Charles was out of her head and gasping in shock. This was something he'd never encountered before. Someone who's consciousness created an image of herself to guard against telepaths while unconscious. It was unheard of until now.
" What did you find?" Beast asked.
" Nothing at all, she wouldn't let me in," Charles said in shock.
" What do you mean? You don't need permission!" Beast growled.
" I do with this one. She was there, she talked to me, she yelled at me to get out of her head and I was thrown back out of her mind. Don't tell any of the others about this, it's something I want between us until she wakes up," Charles murmured.

Every day was the same for weeks.
It would always start like this,
" Is she awake yet?"
" No!"
" Do you know when she will be?"
" No!"
" Okay then,"
Beast had been trying to wake her up using machines for weeks but it hadn't been working at all. The most reaction he'd gotten was that she flinched once. That had been two weeks ago. Now they had decided just to let her wake up on her own. Beast couldn't understand why Nightcrawler had taken such an interest in her but every day he'd come and read to her or just talk to her, willing her to wake up.

" Do you want to help me?" Beast asked one day when he came to read to her.
" What do you want me to do?" Kurt asked.
" I need to take her blood so I can see if it is still okay after been frozen for so long," Beast explained. " Just help me set up the equipment over here and then when it's done I need you to hold down her arm just in case," Beast added.
Kurt nodded obediently and the two of them turned away from the sleeping girl to get the equipment ready.

Where am I?
What has happened?
Where is my family?
Why am I talking to myself?
Alexandria Parks thought to herself as her mind started to work. She had been trained by her mother to wake up ready for battle. Sniffing the air she smelt that she was not in her home, listening intently she heard two men talking about taking blood. The answer came to her, her blood! That couldn't happen, no one could know about her! She opened her eyes just enough to see blurry shapes over to her left. Keeping her breathing even, as though she was still sleeping.  Tensing and flexing her muscles she found them to respond easily. She could move just fine. She snapped open her eyes and leapt silently to her feet. The men didn't hear her at all, didn't sense her movement. Silently she got her fists ready and leapt like a cat. With no sound at all she smashed her firsts in to both of their heads. The blue furry one, what was with that fur? He fell forward and hit his head on a bench, lying unconscious in the ground. The other one with the strange tail and blue skin fell forward. She didn't wait to watch the outcome. She sprinted out of the door and disappeared in the curvy halls. Kurt groaned and stood up, blood spilling form a gash in his forehead. He got in the phone and managed to call all of the X-men at once on video call.
" She's awake and she's missing!" He gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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