2 - みんなた"いし"ょふ"?

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"Well what do we have here?" A familiar voice was heard

"Jinguji-san! Goodmorning!" You say in an enthusiastic manner.

"My, I was just looking for you two, and then here you are, both of you had fun didn't you" Jinguji says looking at both of you with a smirk on.

"You look incredibly sweaty, do you want me to wipe those for you?" Jinguji says as he holds your chin up. Eye to eye, He wipes your sweat and fixes your (h/c) hair.

A bit flustered, you shyly say. "I-it's fine .."

"Ren! That's enough flirting for a day. Leave her alone" Syo aggressively said at Jinguji.

"Oh? And why should i, shorty? Would you really allow your girlfriend to look this haggard on a beautiful day?" Jinguji looks at your eyes then looks at Syo.

You had an intense red blush. "Aaa! Stop calling me shorty!" Syo exclaims. "She's not my girlfriend. Even if she was, I know she could handle herself. So would you please be quiet?" He sits down, clearly irritated.

Jinguji moves away from me with a smile. "Well isn't that convenient... you are now my little kitten. Oh how soft and pretty your hands are" Jinguji said holding your hand.

Just as he was about to kiss your hand, "Thanks????" You said to him awkwardly while trying to pull away.

"Just like a kitten, you are really really cu-"

"Don't finish that sentence, I might just punch you if you do" Syo said as he cuts into Jinguji's sentence

"Oh I was just messing with both of you. You're so fiesty... she isn't even yours" Jinguji walks away to his seat as he laughs.

Syo hits the table hard.

"Nee Syo-chan, don't be jealous! Remember, you know her more than him. So calm down! We know that (y/n) isn't the type to be persuaded by colorful lies of 'just' Handsome men" Natsuki giggles.

Jinguji let out a quiet grunt. Syo laughs and looks at you with a smile. "Well you're right, I don't wanna envy a man who's only interested in girls, only girls". He sits properly, "besides I'm happy with only one woman" he says as he places his hands behind his head and leaning on his chair.

"Okay okay chibi-chan, don't think you've won against me" Jinguji winks at you; then he gives Syo a sly smile. Syo didn't mind at all and proceeded to mind his business

Syo faintly smiles.

<Practice Time>

The three of you enter the room and was bombarded by a loud shout

"(Y/N)!!!" Cecil rushes to you.

"O-oi! What's the matter?" You confusingly asked.

"What did you do a while ago?" Ittoki asks. The three of you were clueless.

"What the heck are you guys talking about?" You asked in confusion.

"Why do all of you look so worried?" Syo asked as well.

"Syo, might you explain yourself?" Otoya says with an eyebrow up.

"Guys? What's going on?" You look at everyone in a weirded out manner but you went with them anyway as Ittoki and Cecil started grabbing your wrist away from Syo.

"What are you doing...?" Syo locks his eyes on the hands holding onto your wrist

"You are disgusting." Hijirikawa says with cross arms.

"Wh-what did I do?!?!?" Syo puts into use his defensive stance.

"What do you mean 'what did I do!? You definitely know what you did!" Cecil points at him

"Wait, was this because of this morning?" Natsuki asks as he tries to calm everyone down. "What's all this fuss about?!"

Hijirikawa stands in between everyone and shows a picture. A picture of...

Me and Syo? That was this morning! How the hell did they have a photo of that?! Stalkers.

"Dont act like you don't know! We know you wanted more, we could see it in your eyes!" Ittoki pouts in annoyance.

"What do you mean?! My eyes aren't even seen in the picture!" Syo exclaims. "Where did you even get that?! Are you guys some kind of creep?"

"You're not denying it, so it's true?" Out of the blue, Tokiya blurts this out as he site down like a strict CEO.

"Oh my, Syo" Jinguji says with a smirk on his face. He clicks his tongue several times. "You know that's not good to do that with a lady" He winks

"Guys what are you saying? Nothing happened between us. That picture was because I made him chase me and we both fell down. That's it!" You break free from their grasps.

"I was walking this morning then someone sent me a photo to my phone" Hijirikawa says. "You have no shame" All of them nod their heads

"Who sent the picture?" You ask.

A faint laugh was heard from the orange haired sadist.

"WHY.. YOU..! HOW DARE YOU SAY FALSE THINGS ABOUT US?!" you and Syo say In unison while trying to attack Jinguji. STARISH tries holding you back.

"Well, what a terrible mistake I have made, please forgive me!" Jinguji says in a sarcastic voice with his sarcastic acting

"Jinguji, you sneaky fox!" You punch his arm. "Don't do that!"

"Relax, atleast now we know both of you aren't doing anything bad" Jinguji holds both of your shoulders. "Little kitten, if he hurts you, you can always call me" He says as he wraps his arm around you, letting out a wink.


"I would prefer your hands off her, Ren. Thank you" Syo comes and places you behind his back. He looks up at Jinguji and punches his face.

Everyone gasped. Jinguji stood up and held him up by his collar.

"Why you little-"

"YAMETE YO! REN! SYO-CHAN!" Natsuki exclaims. Everyone was shocked by the events. They tried to calm both parties down. You were speechless because you were also surprised at what's happening. You cover your mouth in shock. 

"What's wrong with you, Syo?!" You scream

Just when things were about to go down again, Someone opened the door and everyone checked to see who it was.

"Ai-Senpai! What brings you here?" You ask, still in shock.

Ai-senpai just walked passed us and slapped Jinguji and Syo

"Both of you are in school campus. Show some decency." Ai-senpai says.

"Tch" both say in unison

"I'm so sorry for this commotion Senpai! I didn't know we would go this far.. We just-" Ai-senpai hushed my lips together.

"I know you're the type to be impulsive but I'm very disappointed in you" He looks at Syo with cold eyes. "Don't make a big fuss just because of a girl"

Everyone grew silent. Syo clenches his fist and storms out the room. Ai-senpai looks at everyone before he goes out to leave as well. You look at everyone with the same confusing eyes as earlier.

"Well... I guess that's that. I'm going to go check up on Syo." You informed everyone

"Just make sure he doesn't do anything to harm you, okay (Y/n)?" Ittoki says.

"C'mon guys, you know he could never."  You say as you walk out the room to find him.

So much for a good day... right Syo?!
I'd better go find him for our practice. I don't wanna be late.


I want to do something extremely unique. Instead I made a terrible one. Great, unique-ness! *sarcastic* Realllyyy nice...anyways, I really hope that you will keep reading! I have some good stuff! But I can't put it here now though. I WILL REALLY MAKE THAT AWESOME STORIES SO PLEASE KEEP READING!!!

(Chill 2016 me, Ik u tried but lemme tell u.. it's shit but it's a work in progress — 2020 me)

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