The Life of an Average Teenage Wannabe

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"Elizabeth Paige Garner!! Get your ass downstairs NOW!!" She quickly locked up her laptop and ran, more like threw herself down the stairs. Sure, Isabelle Bane had changed into an angrier person after her and Liz's father, Angelo, got divorced, but she never yelled quite like that.

"Yeah Ma?" She said in a tone that you could very well detect as fear and curiosity.

"Is this yours?"


"Don't play dumb with me Elizabeth Paige Garner. This." Liz looked down to see what she was holding. A rush of nausea swept her entire body. A pregnancy test. To make matters worse, it was positive.

"Mom, I'm 14."

"You know that doesn't matter. Now stop avoiding my question. Is this your stick?"

"No. Mom, I promise. I'm a virgin."

She found a sudden burst of confidence. " If You don't believe me then fine. Don't. Although, it's great to know that all these years you've had your uttermost trust in me. Guess that's all ive got to say."

Liz felt a comforting touch. "Elizabeth. What are you talking about. I just wanted to know if you brought this stick into the house, I stepped on it, and it hurt a lot. That's all. Are you okay?"

Liz awoke in a rush. "Why can't I stop having this dream. This is ridiculous., four nights in a row."

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