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My phone went off in the middle of the night at 12:30, I was thinking to myself, "Who would be texting me at this time? All of my friends are either out partying or sleeping." The screen was bright and caused a Kaleidoscope of colors in my eyes when I looked at it. The screen read,

"Hey babe, it's Lucas, look outside I want to show you something."

I texted back,

"Hey, I know it's you, remember you gave me your number,"

"That's right!"

"I'm really tired, can we talk about it tomorrow"

"Babe please, I want you to look, it will take less than a minute" I could tell that it was serious and that he wouldn't stop until I had said yes. The thought didn't cross my mind at first that he was outside of my house. I don't believe that I had given him my address.

I rolled out of bed and quietly ran down the stairs in my long tie-died Ivory Ella shirt I heard a door slam and someone crying. Not being completely sure of what just happened I had run faster then I thought I have ever run. I came busting through the front door and Lucas wasn't there. I was looking around thinking maybe he was hiding and was going to jump out and yell surprise, but nothing happened. It was just silent.

After waiting for about 5 minutes outside in the snow, I decided to go back in. I locked the doors and windows so that if anyone was going to try to get in the house they would have to pick the locks. On the way back up to my room I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then I heard Lucas' voice,

"AnneMarie, what are you doing, I thought you were going to meet me outside."

"Well I was, but you weren't out there. It's freezing and I'm tired." I was sorta confused about the fact that he was in my house, I locked the door, and nobody had gotten inside when the door was open, I was standing there the whole time, The dogs never barked so the alarm didn't go off, but at 11:43 at night, you wouldn't think much of something like that.

"Well go get dressed I want to take you somewhere." He sounded really excited, too excited if you asked me, but again at 11:43 you don't think much of things like that.

Giving out a frustrated growl, I zombie walked up my stairs hoping that he would change his mind, but with just my luck... he didn't.

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