I have a secret, one that could never be said aloud, they won't believe me. My dark brown hair always feels wet on the back of my neck. My hazel eyes always see darkness and blurs. My pale skin is always tingling with cold damp despair. I am always sinking, sinking down a narrow cylinder of dark rugged stones. I am always sinking, sinking down in the depths of a well. Well, it really isn't always like this. I go to school just like any freshman would, I smile, I dance, I sing, and then everything will go dark. It all flushes away from my eyes and i'm drowning, i'm sinking down this well. I can only see blurs of darkness, I am wet, I am cold, I am helpless. Then, when finally feel like letting go of my breath, when I finally feel like giving up, I jolt back to where I was, taking deep gulping breaths. No time has gone by in real world, It feels like I stay in the well for hours, frantically paddling and kicking, looking at the speck of light the size of a penny, clammering after it with all my might, to only sink even more, to watch it slowly shrink away from my then pruning fingers, but then I go back to the nice fresh air filled classroom, I am still gasping as though i've run a thousand miles within a second, everyone stares, because to them I start coughing and gasping out of the blue. I calm down within a few moments, I blame it all on a constant cold. I don't like lying, especially to my friends, it feels like I can't ever be trusted.