Snake man

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       Snakes, it had to be snakes. They surged around the teenager his russet hair unkept and messy in that perfect way only boys could do. His jade eyes were wide with fear and disgust at the sight before him, this sea of slithering black masses had taken him from his room now the blue walls he had grown so familiar to were nowhere to be found. Dripping green venom leaked from the disgusting serpents fangs. The teenager tried to step away but his feet were planted in place proving to be difficult and refused to obey his commands. The snakes saw this weakness almost immediately and slithered forward forming a tight circle around their victim whispering things to him in their raspy voices. "Worthlesss boy...." "Ssstupid boy..." "Its your fault" "Your fault!" they chanted their voices growing to shouts as they joined in their terrible curse. The boy crumbled away like a crumbling tower at these hits sinking to his knees clutching his head he let out a terrible scream "Their death was not my fault!" he shrieked but his words were weak and unsteady, even the boy knew they weren't true. He was to blame, him and him alone. The snakes let out a hissing laughter and lept at the boy curling around his arms and neck their hold was cold and cruel with brutal strength they sank their fangs into every part of him they could slither on. The teen screamed in agony ripping and scratching at the snakes trying to pry and tear them off his body. Crimson washed over his cloths with newfound wounds his olive shirt was ripped and torn as he continued to try and pry his slithering companions off his body. "help me!' he screeched sounding so broken, instead of his all to perfect voice he sounded like a pitiful child with big wide doe eyes.

Police officers had broken down the doors house and were met with the foul sound of decay and death, flies buzzed around their heads before returning to their supper. In the living room still position as if they were watching a reality TV show lay three bodies, decapitated and mangled. A mother who could have once been very beautiful a father who could have wanted the best for his children and a little girl who was probably still going through her princess faze. Upstairs they crept slowly at first finding the last unopened door, but what they saw would leave lasting scars. The culprit of the terrible crimes was just a boy their son to be precise his body was torn by his own nails mangled and bloody. A truly sad sight because nobody could figure out why he would do such a thing to himself, or his family.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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