Why do butterflies fly? Why do humans walk? This is the type of stuff I ask myself but it makes no sense to me.I mean why can't we switch lives for once I have the right to know this type of stuff do I not? I know your probably thinking who is this girl and why is she talking to herself? Well my name is Rivera and I'm a weird girl kinda, I don't have many friends and there's only one I feel like I have the right to trust. Her names Rachel and she's as weird as me she is the only one I can actually talk to without questioning why I am here.I've known her my whole life, she was there when our parents died and we both cried.Oh yeah did I mention she's my sister? Well anyways we both were frightened half to death.They died when they were on there way to visit my grandmother. Our grandfather past away so they could only visit her. Anyways back to the story, they were on a plane and that never ends good,they crashed. But only a few people survived and they were not one of those people. Me and my sister cried all night long we didn't get any sleep that night. It was the worst moment of my life seeing my aunt turn her head to look at us and tell us the bad news I still remember what she said, " girls your parents have not reached your grandmother yet because the engines on the plane stopped....and they have tried there best to make it but they didn't and it was......to late" Yep it did not feel good at all. So here we are me,my sister,and my aunt. And we all act like nothing happened, we took down all the pictures of us and our mother or father because every time we looked at them one of us would start to cry or tear up or just get upset. I know, I know we're wimps right? Well I'm proud of it, IM PROUD TO BE A WIMP! Like I said before I'm weird no I'm actually a goofball! Anyways me and Rachel do everything together she's my BFITF, stands for "best friend in the family" yep we made it up it took like 5 minutes, just kidding it took us 30 minutes. So that's my past story, now let's begin with the real story.