Why Me (chapter 2)

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I wake up to the horrible sound of my alarm clock. I reach my hand out and feel for the alarm on my nightstand and finally find it, I turn it off and sit up in my bed, I rub my eyes and take a big whiff of what smelt like syrup and pancakes.

Smiling I step down on the hard wood floor and my feet start to feel cold, I slip on my bunny slippers and open my door. As I walk down the hallway my slippers squeak.

I don't even get halfway down the stairs when my aunt calls my name "Rivera, pancakes come and get them!" I'm to tired to yell back so I just don't reply, I turn the corner to see my sister sitting at the table so focused on pouring syrup on her pancakes. I sit down right across from her and look down to see my mountain of pancakes.

My mouth starts to water as I reach over for the syrup, as I grab it I knock over the plant pot on the table. My aunt looks at me and in a mad but quiet voice she says "Rivera! Be careful those are my good flowers and they took a while to plant and I don't respect you just knocking them over like that!" I put the plant pot where it was before and roll my eyes "sorry Aileen".

If you didn't know by now my aunt can be pretty....over dramatic over things. I know I shouldn't say that about my aunt but it's the truth! Last week I accidentally dropped cookie crumbs on the carpet in the family room and aunt Aileen went insane! I was sitting there listening to a lecture for about 30 minutes.

Rachel doesn't get into as much trouble as I do, probably because she kinda follows the rules more than I do but still I do.....sometimes, it's hard for me I wasn't born perfect!

Anyways I was almost finished with my delicious pancakes when my aunt got a phone call. She answered it and went out the room, I turned and looked at Rachel and see her put a piece of pancake on a fork and flick it into her orange juice.

I just ignore it and ask her "who do you think aunt Aileen is on the phone with?" Still with her focus on the fork and orange juice she answers "I don't know probably some business thing I don't really pay attention to that type of stuff" Of course she doesn't she's not as curious with little things like that as I am, she's my best friend but still even best friends have differences.

"Well you should be a little curious sometimes  like it could be a guy asking her out" Rachel looked up from the fork and starred at me with a really annoyed look on her face. I just smirked and giggled as I starred at her, our little stares slowly turned into a little starring contest.

A little while after aunt Aileen came in looking very excited, me and Rachel both turned and looked at her "yeah ok.....no that's fine....ok great!" She hung up and looked at me and Rachel "girls I have some big news, my boss just called me and told me that his son is very ill and he cannot go to his work interview in Paris for 9 months and he wants to know if  I can do it for him!"

Suddenly my heart dropped Paris, 9 months?!  I was just getting use to this place and now we're going to Paris?! And for 9 months, I don't want to! I pushed my plate away and crossed my arms "Paris? But why we had just moved here and now Paris?"

My aunts giant smile slowly turned into a frown "well you don't seem to happy about this Rivera, come on this is a once in a lifetime experience for us!" I tilted my head down and muttered "so is me being happy after my parents accident" my aunt didn't hear me but I think Rachel might have because she frowned after I said that, but I said it cause I was mad, out of everyone in the world.....why me?

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