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Your P.O.V.

You lean your head into Eridan's neck. You can feel him smile against the top of your head. He smells like colonge and toothpaste. You can feel his lean frame against you as you sway. You look over at Jake. He sends you a look saying I'm doing this because of you before turning and kissing Roxy passionately. You roll your eyes at him and pull your head up to face Eridan. He looks at you with a smile before kissing you on the forehead. You blush crazily and look down. You two sway quietly for the rest of the song. Once it ends, you pull yourself off of Eridan and look around as the song becomes a loud, pop song. You see Sollux and Feferi break apart as well as Kanaya and a girl you don't know. You turn back to Eridan but he isn't there. You look all around but you can't find him. You shrug it off and walk over to Kanaya and the girl.

You knew Kanaya was gay so this didn't come as too big of a shock when she was dancing with a girl. She notices you walking over and grabs the girl's hand, pulling her over to you. 

"Hello (Y/N). I'd like you to meet Vriska Serket, my girlfriend," Kanaya says. Vriska puts out her hand and you shake it. 

"Hiiiiiiii," she says. "You're not a homophobe right?"

You laugh and say "Of course not! Do you think Kanaya would be one of my best friends if I was?" She laughs and kisses Kanaya on the cheek. You smile and walk away. You weave around the jumping and bouncing people. You walk into the kitchen and notice that you don't see anyone you know. 

"(Y/N)!" you hear someone yell. You turn around to see a group of about six people staring at you. You notice Nepeta there as well as the girl Eridan called Jane Crocker. Each one of them smile at you. 

"Hey Nepeta," you say. She prances up to you and hugs you. 

"Nepeta who is this?" you hear someone ask. A guy who is much taller than you and weres sunglasses grabs Nepeta's arm and pulls her back.

"Equius this is (Y/N)! Pawlux's friend," she says.You nod and walk up to the group of people. 

"Hi," you say nervously. 

"(Y/N) this is Equius Zahhak," Nepeta says pointing at the tall guy. "That's Aradia Megido, Sollux's ex girlfriend." She points to a girl with long, wavy, brown hair.

"It's nice to meet you," she says. "Sollux used to talk about you alot."

"I used to hear about you alot to," you say.

"I'm Gamzee mother fucking Makara," says a guy with long, curly hair. "Karbro is always talking about you."

"A -and I'm uh Tavros, Tavros um Nitram," says a guy with a mohawk. You notice that he has prostetic legs. He grabs Gamzee's hand and you can see him squeeze it tight.

"And I'm Jane Crocker, John, Jade and Jake's older sister," she says grabbing your hand. "I'm really sorry about what my brother did to you, but at least you helped him realize he was bi and now you are back together." 

"Um, actually I broke up with him tonight. He uh cheated on me again but this time with Roxy," you say looking at your feet. 

"Ohmaigog, I'm going to kill him," she says before stalking off. You smile nervously and stand by Nepeta. You notice Gamzee placing a kiss on Tavros' cheek and realize that they must be gay. You smile at them and turn to Aradia.

"So you must be girl who's obsessed with the dead," you say. She nods.

"I just don't think the way people die is fair so I tend to obsess about dead people." You nod and grab the note Eridan gave you and put a check beside Aradia's name wiht the pen that used to write your chumhanddle on Eridan's hand. Then you put a check beside Tavros', Gamzee's, Equius', Nepeta's, Jane's, Jade's, John's, Dave's, Rose's, Sollux', Karkat's, Jake's, Kanaya's, Terezi's, Vriska's, Feferi's and Eridan's. That's everone you know so far.

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