Chapter 1

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A normal world
A normal day
A normal hour
Or so I thought

More or less I thought I was normal, a normal kid living in a normal neighborhood. I never thought I was strange let alone different. I never was one of those kids who people stared at. I am one of those kids who likes normal, but it changed in my sophomore year.
Normal kids had boyfriends and girlfriends, that's where I stood out. I never kissed someone, let alone dated. Everyone at my school were the same, normal. No-one interesting. No-one different. No-one to date, high school was boring, normal. Maybe I ended up here because I hated change. I was scared of it. Change makes the normal, abnormal. Change can make one's life different. I never thought change could be good, to me it was bad...scary, but change was normal.

My name is Austin Conway. I go to Center Creek High School founded in 1918, located in New York. I wouldn't say that i'm the Albert Einstein in any of my classes, but I'm pretty smart. Mostly B's and I have never got below a C in my entire life.
My Story begins on May 27, 2019.
It was a nice spring day and sophomore year was on the verge of being over. It was the last week of school until finals. I was soon a junior, but finals had to get me there.
The only thing I had to worry about.
Until Monday, May 27.

"Hey! Austin! Over here!" Called my good friend Derek. Derek had been my good friend since middle school. He's been by my side and even if he got annoying, I was there. Derek's blond hair was a mess as always. He wore a basketball jersey on this Monday with long neon shorts. Unlike him, I have black hair with crystal blue eyes. I wear khakis and t-shirts, I wasn't a jock. I approached him
"Austin, my house tonight. Video games and pizza. Bring stuff to study. I told my mom we would study," he said. I laughed.
"Yes sounds cool, what time?"
"Cool, I'll be there, wouldn't miss it," And I didn't, but I was so worried about finals, I really did need to study. I also needed to get my mind off of everything as well.
At Derek's that night, we did get to studying, kind of. When pizza arrived we went off to eat and play video games like he said. It was nice to eat pizza, I hadn't had for a while. We played for hours on end, it was fun, I didn't remember when Derek and I hung out for so long to discuss almost anything, without his girlfriend.
Derek's girlfriend was something, she was cool, ish. Her and I didn't particularly get along. She was a stuck up dungeons and dragons gal named Mallory. She was blonde and blue eyed, gorgeous, unless you met her.
She's snotty and obnoxious, I don't understand what Derek sees in her, but she's not here and I don't have to worry about her.
Just before midnight when I left the house and walked along the road to my own home.

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