Chapter 3

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"We have to go!" A voice said as I held the voices hand and ran out of the collapsing building, I was in a strange dream. I must have been, but I went on with what the voice had said. We ran through hallways and alleyways, in and out of buildings. I could here the crackling of fire. I could smell the smoke in the air. I must have been dreaming.
We found a hidden alleyway, it was almost pitch black, but I could make out her figure.
"I'm sorry..."
"What's going on....?" I replied
"I pulled you through, I'm sorry" she continued, as if I didn't say anything, "it's so dangerous here, I just thought you could help?"
"Answer my question!" I demanded, I could barley see the girl, but she was Beutiful. Her eyes were blue, her hair reddish brown. She looked somewhat calm, and she looked like a strong girl who would take anyone down for what she loved.
"I'm sorry. This is hard, I never disobeyed my master, I'm sorry I brought you in this mess, this war." She looked down in sorrow, "I'm called a reflection. I've been assigned to you since you were a baby. We have the same birthday! Did you know that? Probably not." Her accent was thick, it sounded like an English accent, "anyway, I've watched you grow up mimicking your every-"
"That was your life? Standing in front of a mirror, looking at me copying my every move! I'm sorry. But how do you not look like me?"
"This is a parallel universe, Austin, and this parallel universe is awful, horrible. Ever wonder why your reflection follows you. Think about it, your hand touches the mirror, but you can't go through because your hand is blocking you. My job is to keep you out of this awful world. This world contains war, no control, and everyone hates everyone else. I've wanted to escape to your world more than ever. I've wanted you to figure it out.
"I saw your face when you noticed it wasn't you standing in the mirror door way. When the potion wore off on me and you could see me. It's complicated." she was so beautiful, I couldn't help but look at her. I never thought I'd find someone like her, "stop staring! What's your problem! Anyway, I've been through beatings, if I mess up and maybe blow our cover. I can't handle it anymore. I brought you through because I wanted to start a revolution. I wanted you help me and my friends and you make this world like yours. Make it okay for someone to live here.
"I've been having secret meetings when our humans were asleep. Then a prophecy was found, quiet scary, if you ask me. I found it in your room. You were asleep in your bed. I went through the looking glass door because I saw something strange under your bed. I walked over to your dreaming body. I found an old scroll, covered with tea from centuries ago. I grabbed it and stood up. My face was so close to yours, my heartbeat was out of control, but I couldn't stay. They would have realized I was missing. I went back through to my friends. I opened the scroll. It read
November 25, 1923
Many years from now
Another world will be discovered, quiet like ours, but it will be awful. Terrible, dangerous.
But one day, it will be okay, livable for the people living in this parallel universe.
A boy
Born on this day
No older than 18
No younger than 15
Will help
He will show this world life
Find this boy
Jump through the mirror and find him.
"I was scared, I couldn't believe that someone might save us, but I never would have thought it would be you"

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