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In front of Corey, Laney, Kin, and Kon, was a huge field packed with people on their chairs, others on blankets. The huge field of light green grass complimented the stunning night sky filled with amazing stars.

All four sets of eyes were wide, taking in the beautiful view.

"Your father chose a good place to watch the fireworks, Core." Laney stated.

"Good?!" Kon scoffed. "It's AMAZING!"

"Except for the mosquitos." Kin said. "Good thing I bought this repellent for the trip, use with care."

"You kids have fun while I set up the blankets and chairs." Mr. Riffin said.

"How come Trina didn't come again?" Kon asked Corey as he applied the mosquito repellent to himself.


Flashback Transition!

"Marigold Park?" Laney said with excitement. "I haven't been there since I was like, 6!"

"We've always been busy trying to beat the Newmans at finding gigs." Kin pointed out to Corey as they got their shoes on for the drive to Marigold Park.

"...Wait. Don't tell me we booked a gig to play there!" Kon gasped.

"Chill, guys." Corey said, receiving a glare from Laney. "We will not."

"Good." Laney said. "I can't for the fireworks."

"I know you're being sarcastic, Laney." Corey sighed. "But don't worry, I'll make you like the Fourth of July. I promise."

"Where are you guys going?" Trina's head popped out of her room. "Is it another gig?"

"Do you live for ruining our gigs, Trina?!" Corey snapped. "No, we're heading to Marigold Park to enjoy our Fourth of July! Dad, is she coming with us?!"

"Totes not." Trina replied. "I'll be going to where Nick is spending his Fourth of July, MINA!"

"Yes?" Mina replied timidly.

"Get my stuff, we're heading out." Trina replied. "As if I'm going to ride the family car with these losers today."

"Most certainly, Trina." Mina went into Trina's room and returned with her stuff. They took off.

Back to Present Transition!

"Darn it! A mosquito!" Laney hissed. "Kin?! I thought you said these were going to work!"

"I thought they did." Kin replied. "It's working for me."

"Maybe it doesn't work for those who have a sour attitude." Kon muttered.

Laney looked at him with wild eyes.

"RUN!" Kon started running, but Laney tackled him and started beating him with a random umbrella she found on the ground.

"Lanes!" Corey pulled Laney off of Kon. "Beating up Kon isn't going to help, OK?"

"Fine" Laney muttered. "I'm still not having fun."

"You will, I promise!" Corey said, putting his hands on Laney's shoulders. "It will be fun!"

Laney rolled her eyes.

Maybe if you actually started seeing how I feel about you, I might.

"Did your dad bring any food?" Kon asked gingerly.

"Just a few snacks." Corey replied.

"I thought I'd see you losers here!"

"Trina?!" Corey gasped. "But I thought you were searching for Nick!"

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