How you meet:

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You were a viner and you just started to make YouTube videos, you were invited to go digitour and of course you accepted, you where excited but nervous at the same time as this was your first tour and first time leaving home but it's a good opportunity to meet your fans.
You flew out to New York to meet everyone for your first show when you got there the manager Chris welcomed me and showed me around he took me into this room where everyone was, it was amazing to see these people as I'v been watching most of these guys for years. I was introduced and I felt so welcomed like I was apart of the family already, I sat down and I started getting asked more and more questions. just when I was about to stand up to get a drink 2 guys that looked the same ran through the door, it was Ethan and Grayson, I'v been speaking to Grayson for quite a while now and a lot of people new but the fans didn't obviously "Y/N?" Grayson asked shocked to see me "hey" I stood up awkwardly I gave him a hug and everyone teased----it's been 2 weeks since digitour started and me and Grayson had been getting really close even been on a couple of dates had our first kiss which was amazing, I just hope we date soon I really like him.

I was going to a meet and greet to meet my 2 favourite viners ever, Grayson and Ethan I'm so excited. I'm with my friend waiting outside to go inside we've have been waiting here for atleast 4 hours to get to the front and we was :D but I'm so co- "excuse me" we heard a a tall muscular guy say over us "yes?" We both answered "come with me" he then said in his deep voice, this is so wired a random guy just tells us to follow him in the building my friend just gets up and runs inside I'm not surprised tbh I feel like my hands are going to freeze. We walk in the building and he guides us in this room we look round and he tells us to sit down what the hell.
10 minutes later the door opens I look up at connect eyes with the guy I'v been crushing on since he posted his first vine with his brother . Ethan Dolan, I stood up so quick still confused with averthing "hey we saw that you have been waiting out there for at least 4-5 hours we know how cold it is so we asked if we could bring you in" Grayson said smoothly then sitting down on the spinny chair "thank you so much" my friend said I would of course speak but im speechless what is happening! "Hey u okay aha" Ethan asked me "y-yeah" I stuttered... Great-_- we all got pictures and got each others numbers and we all became really close friends. How ever me and Ethan ;) that's a different story :)

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