Chapter 1- Emotions

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I sit down on my bed. Its way past 12. What is Cake still doing at Monochromocorn's? BMO comes in playing her techno music. "Who wants to play some video games?"

"Not right now BMO. I'm waiting for Cake to come back from Lord Monochromocorn's so we can go out and adventure like she promised."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Cake said that she has to stay there for the whole day. She won't be back until tomorrow."

"What?!" I yelled and stormed out of the house. She was supposed to be here with me! We were supposed to go out together! Ever since she had her kittens she goes to Monochromocorn's and leaves me alone all of the time! And a couple of weeks ago she told me that she was thinking about moving in with him! I've had enough of Cake.


"So let me get this straight. You want to kick Cake out because she leaves you alone all of the time, skips out on almost everything you plan to do with her and your fed up?" Marshall asked he had his head on my lap and I was sitting criss-crossed on the floor. I nodded my head with my cheeks puffed out. "You do know that you can't stay mad at her forever."

"Why can't i?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Because that's not like you."

"How do you know what I'm like?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"Because Fionna." He kissed my cheek. "I know you."

Its been like this for a while. Ever since Flame Prince and I broke up I had been hanging out with Marshall a lot more often. He would often tease me by kissing me either on my cheek or on my forehead. And every once in a while he would insist that I'm in love with him, but of course i would punch him playfully and deny it. "You don't know. I am gonna do it. I'm gonna kick her out."

"You wouldn't. You love her too much."

"The people who you love the most are the people who will hurt you the most." I say thinking of Flame prince. He of course could sense it and puled me into a hug. I didn't notice that I was crying until i felt a drop fall from my face and land on my arm

"Its ok Fi." He said in that voice that always calmed me down."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok Fi. I'm here for when you need someone."

"Thanks Marshall." I said hugging him back.

"You know, you're gonna need a roommate to keep you from being lonely." 

Why did this make me blush?

Chapter 1- End


Ok what do you think? I really like this. I hope you all enjoy it too. watch out for Chapter 2- Evicted and if you want something added just pm me and maybe it'll show up :3

-Chao ~Valorie The Broken Heart

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