Chapter 15

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9 months later

Beca, Teddy & Isabella been staying at me & David house for helping me because David been working and i can't walk that well so while David is at work Beca, Teddy & Isabella been helping me.

that night Beca is on my right said and Isabella is on my left and we just chat then i see Teddy & David walking up to us and i want to get up so Beca and Isabella help me up

Phoebe: hey. . . are you okay?

i ask Teddy

Teddy: ya is like im not the one that is carrying my nieces or my nephew

he said i laugh

Beca: why don't you tell Teddy what you decided

she said

Teddy: what now?

he ask

David: we decided of a name for the baby

he said i smiled

Phoebe: it was hard to choose one

i said

Teddy: will ill be happy no matter what you pick

he said

Phoebe: ok if it's a girl then her name is. . .

and as i was about to say her name my stomach start to hurt and the pain hurt so bad then i collapse on the floor and David caught my head before i hit my head on the floor then i heard some echo sound around me and i see David lift me up and we rush into our bedroom and Teddy, Beca, Isabella and David gather around the bed and i just heard echo sound again and the baby start to kick my stomach and hurt so bad i mean really bed.

David: Beca call Dr. Grey!

he shout and Beca rush out to get her cell phone

a few min later she is on the phone with gramma

David: Isabella pass the morphine

Beca: she is on her way here and she said that the placenta must have detached

she said and David put the needle in my arm it hurt so bad i grunts

Beca: she's coming as fast as she can, but. . .

Isabella: we'll have to do it

she said i grunts from the pain then Isabella grab a knife but David stop her

David: Isabella! let the morphine spread.

he said

Isabella: there's no time. it's dying!

she shout i step in


i shout

Teddy: look at me Phoebe

he said then she put the knife in my stomach i scream so loud that it hurt so bad i shout my eyes and the blur comes in and the pain really hurts so bad

Phoebe: Ow!

i shout

Teddy: save her! you've got to put more blood in her!

David: i can't, the baby still in there i got to get it out first

he said i don't listen the pain hurt so bad i scream more

Teddy: Stay Phoebe Stay focused Keep your heart beating!

he shout at me


i shout and i scream even more but then i cough and the blood coming out of my mouth and the pain is still coming and i scream one more time then the pain goes away then i heard a cry a baby crying i felt a tear coming down my face

David: it's a girl

he echo and the blur coming i smiled my daughter. . . a girl i slowly look at the baby

Phoebe: she. . . is. . . so. . . beautiful

i whisper and they both smiled but then th blur comes and everything went white. . .       

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