chapter 24:more problems

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Jaden pov

My poor baby. I don't know what to do. Uhhh i wanted to come to hawii for a reason to get away from all this drama but no drama still flows us. Why can't i get a break damn ?!?! >__


It was my dad

Phone convo:

Me:sup pops?

Dad:hey Jay

Me:so what's up

Dad:ummm i got some good news and bad news

Me:umm ok good news first

Dad:we're finally havin our after earth tour

Me:wow really that's awesome

Dad:yeah i know but ummm the bad is that ummmmm...we're gonna be gone for like a 6 months

Me:......ummm why 6 months

Dad:because we're Goin to like every country

Me:dad i don't know if i can

Dad: why not

Me:Raven, she's goin threw allot right now and it's not good timing to leave right now

Dad:i understand but what about your fans the ones that never get to see u i know their gonna be upset just seein me without their idol

Me:i know dad. How long we have till we leave?

Dad:3 days

Me:ok I'll get back to you on my answer

Dad: ok

End of phone convo

More problems this is just great. How am i Gonna tell raven?!?!?!

Raven pov




Yes i just cut my arm with a blade 3 times it hurt like hell but who cares. I never cut myself before but I'll try anything to get rid of the pain. I'm thinking about becoming emo hmmm that'll me nice.

I went to go get a whole role of paper towels so i can wipe the blood from my arm. After i did that i went back to the hotel. I walked to me and Jay room And opened the door. Jaden was on the couch watching love and basketball.


He instantly got up and Hugged me

Jaden: hey baby are u ok??

Raven:yeah i guess

Jaden:ok good just making sure. Are u hungry?


Jaden: ok I'll make u some pasta *peck ravens lips*

While Jaden was making Me something to eat i went to get a glass to pour me some lemonade. As soon as i was about to sip it my phone vibrated and it scared me and i dropped the glass. SHIT!!!!

Jaden: I'll help you

I bent down to pick up the glass and Jaden was doin the same. But suddenly his face expression changed

Jaden pov

My face expression changed when i saw raven arm.

Jaden: what did u do?

Raven: huh??

We both stood up

Jaden: your arm!! Are u crazy why would u hurt yourself


Jaden: baby answer me

Raven:I don't wanna talk about it

Jaden: well I do! Baby your body is to beautiful for u to be marking it up like that!!

Raven: you wouldn't understand

Jaden: I can Try come on baby talk to me

Raven:it kinda helps the pain go away

Jaden: no it doesn't no matter how many times u cut yourself your problems and your pain will still be their that's just life. Baby promise me you won't cut yourself again

Raven:but Jaden-

I interrupted her

Jaden:promise me

Raven:Fine Jaden i won't....i promise

Jaden:good now come here

I pulled her into a tight hug. I can't believe she's doin this to herself. I wonder if i would tell her about the tour?? Well she's calm and i rather get it out the way.

Jaden: baby?

Raven: yea?

Jaden:i have to tell you something


Jaden:ummm i have to go on tour for after earth

Raven:ok that's cool when and how long?

Jaden:ummm I have to leave in 3 days and it lasts for six months


Wow i can tell that her heart just dropped

To be continued......

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