Positive Tests (O.O)

186 11 3

Cancer's P.O.V.

I was walking to my bedroom when I heard the sobs.

They were coming from Gemini's room, right behind her closed door.

Why was she crying?

Was everything okay?

I knocked on her door, waiting for a response.

I heard her sniffling, trying to make her tests go away so I could come in.

"Who is it?" She asked.


"Oh, come in."

I turned the door knob, and softly shut it behind me as I walked to the edge of her bed and sat down.

Gemini's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and my heart ached for her.

"Need to talk?" I asked her.

"Y-yeah," she confirmed.

I opened my arms, and she fell right into them, letting me hug her as she explained what was wrong.

"M-my dad passed away when a drink driver hit him on the fr-freeway," she sobbed out, in desperate need of help.

I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her the best I could.

"Gem, it's alright, really. I know it's tough, but you'll be okay. I'll help you."

She smiled up at me, sucking up her tears and wiping them away with the back of her hand.

"Th-thanks Cancer," She half-smiled, her red eyes squinting just a little bit.

I'm glad she is better, but knowing Gemini, she's only telling me part of the story.

"Anything else?" I asked her.

She laughed a little, sighing as she sat across from me on her bed.

"Yeah, actually." She admitted.

"Oh, what is it?"

"It's you."

"What?!" I was utterly confused. "What did I do?"

"Now that you're dating, I'm afraid you'll ditch me for Sag..." she trailed off, avoiding my pleading gaze.

"Gem, I wouldn't ditch you for a boy." I smirked, and remembered something that would cheer her up.
"Fries before guys," I said, pulling out my phone and ordering a pizza.

"What?" She questioned.

"In ordering you a pizza!" I announced.

"Yes! Order some for everyone else, too!"

"Finally," I sighed, "I won't have to make dinner for once!"

"But you're an amazing cook," Gem pointed out to me.

I smiled bashfully, knowing this was true. I always seemed to me cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the twelve of us to eat, since my cooking was 'on point,' like Sag says.

He's so adorable! ^-^

About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Shouted Pisces.

She opened the door, But her face fell when she realized it wasn't who she thought it was.

She set the six boxes on the table, and looked around suspicioulsy.

"Who ordered pizza?" She asked.

"I don't care," Leo spoke up, "but there's pizza, and I'm hingry!" He opened the box, digging into the hamburger and pepperoni pizza.

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