We will never Know.

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                                                                                           Chapter 1

First days of school stink out , new classroom, new classes, new teachers, and for stupid reasons new friends and in my case any friend.

I was getting crazy in the morning when my mom told me "Clean your room before you leave, Blair." and I answered with that yeah that teenegers said. I always walk to the school because it was so near of my home, I was putting me my headphones when somebody crossed so near of my back with a bicycle, I was trying to keep my words inside because I was really angry, I mean what if I was an ant in that moment that guy with the blue jacket and his bicycle could've kill me or maybe I was exaggerating as always.

When I come in to the High School everybody was in class so surprised to me, I arrived too late, the first class was Math so I knock the door three times and then a older man opened the door and then I realized that was Mr.Dunn. "Good morning Mr." I said, "come in and sit down." he said.

It was the same boring class. "We are going to begin so you came in perfect time, Ms.Blair." Mr.Dunn said. shivers went through me.

"There is anybody new?"Mr Dunn asked.

Then a guy with a blue jacket rise his hand. "Your name kid?"Mr.Dunn asked. "I'm Harry." he said with a soft voice.

After five minutes I recognized that was the same blue jacket that I saw in the morning with the guy in the bicycle, I was in the back so I couldn't see his face.

The next two classes passed and then we all go to the break.

I used to take my Great Gatsby book and read in a corner table without distractions, I had always read that book every time I want.

I was totally concentrated when I felt somebody sitting by my side, I lift my head and apparently was the new guy, I saw him and said "Did you missed something?" , He grinned with his dimple smile.

" I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable, I just want to know your name."he said breathlessly.

"I'm Blair and for what I heard, you are Harry." I said

We were talking even in depart time, he was an intelligent guy and also good looking but I was completely sure that he want to know something else but it wouldn't be easy to let him know me as a friend when I don't even have ones.

In tenth year and I was still trying to understand my personality to relationated with others in a better way so this would not be simple.

                                                                                               Chapter 2

 I gave Harry my phone number because we used to send us funny videos and for a couples of days we were expending our time together reading The Great Gatsby, The Tunnel and talking, we realized that we combine so well but we didn't know everything about each other. As always they were gossip people that were saying that he was my boyfriend and I was her girlfriend so we were planning a joke.

We decided go to Jojo's Bakery to drink some coffee and talk a little bit more.

"Life without doing crazy things is a kind of boring, Don't you think?" he said.

"Absolutely"I answered

"Do you want to play to be my girlfriend?"

"That will never, never work but I know that we will pretend so well but no, no and no."

" Oh, common, don't tell me that you are afraid to fall in love with me."

"I don't even love you."

"One day you will."

"This does not have sense my dear" I said to him.

I heard a beep of an incoming text on my phone

"It's my mom. Want to meet her? she need help to order the garage."

"Yeah, sounds great" he said.

I only live with my mom so she was the only one who had to approve a friend relationship, I wasn't afraid to show my mom Harry, he was different from so many guys, I mean with a good haircut.

"Mom I'm here with a strange"

"Hi Blair and...?" Mom said surprised

"He is Harry, a good friend"

"Nice to meet you Harry."she said

"Nice to meet you too Ms.Harrison"he said

"I just can't believe that you're friend of my unusal girl."Mom said

"She is just exceptional."He said with his bright eyes"

Mom decided to made spaghetti for dinner and we were laughing all night, when we finished I accompany Harry to the door.

"It's was a funny night"Harry said.

"I know, let's say goodbye "

"Let's kiss you" he said

He gave me a searing kiss and then he said goodbye.

I didn't say anything, I returned into the house and I was about to walk up the stairs when my mom asked to me"Are you and Harry something else?"

"We will never know" I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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