
514 70 24

august 05, 2019
2.07 pm

❝so where should we eat?❞

what, hyung?❞

❝yah, you should thank me. i mean you found a lovelife because of me.❞

wait- i found a lovelife? the fuck
you saying?❞

❝i thought you already like sooyoung noona? you even asked for her number.❞

you were there?

❝sheez yes.❞

prick, i don't like her.❞

❝oh c'mon what happened to 'i like you too.'❞

❝i like her as a friend.❞

❝whatever jimin, whatever.❞

i'm serious.❞

❝'kay. so did she text you already or?❞

nope. not yet.❞

❝but you're waiting for her text right? aw my jiminnie's growing up!❞

hyung! stop!❞

❝okay okay.❞

❝so what happened to your date?❞

first, it wasn't a date. a friendly date maybe. second, no one got laid. lastly, we liked each other as friends.❞

❝aw. no progress. why is that?❞

hyung, you cannot make her forget someone important to her just by making her date other guys. let time heal her wounded heart.❞

❝whoops. that's deep. so she told you 'bout that?❞

yeah. at the ice cream parlor.❞

❝you ate ice cream?❞

licked, to be exact.❞


and that's what she calls me.❞

❝oh my god, bitch?❞


❝you guys must be really close.❞

you can say that.❞


❝by the way jimin, do you perhaps know a flower shop which sells cheap yet beautiful flowers?❞

what for?❞

❝for a beautiful girl.❞

u want a character death or nah

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