Wrong Package: Return to Sender [Part 3]

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“I hate you,” JongHyun whispered to his reflection when he was once again met with Key’s answering machine. Sometime in the middle of TaeMin and MinHo’s reuniting in the bedroom JongHyun had noticed that Key was missing. He’d torn apart the dorm searching for him but all he found was sleeping Onew and an empty bucket of chicken.  

                Where the hell could he be?

                JongHyun gave a final glare to himself before heading off for a walk. All he needed was fresh air. To rid him of the nausea that had surfaced when he thought of what situation Key could be in right now. He quickened his pace to outrun his thoughts; thinking like that wasn’t going to help him with anything.

                Of course, nothing could really help... Because Key was probably dead or dying. Someone was bound to have kidnapped him... He wasn’t exactly the type to slip by unnoticed. That’s it. Someone had kidnapped him, raped him numerous times and then left him to die in a ditch somewhere. By the time his body was found he’d be too decomposed to even identify –

                “AISH!” JongHyun kicked a rock by his feet to relieve his anger at his own outrageous thoughts. Unfortunately for him he missed and instead took to hopping childishly on an unsuspecting leaf so he could crush his frustrations out of his body. When the lead was nothing but a million scattered pieces JongHyun stepped off. He watched the pieces of leaf catch in the breeze, lifting up in the air and disappearing into the sewers and lawns.

                Heaving a sigh, the singer set off down the street again. He was exhausted and discouraged. Why couldn’t Key just pick up his phone?

                Because you wanted to take a break, he reminded himself.

                JongHyun pulled his phone out again, pressing the button that would speed dial his boyfriend – ex-boyfriend – number. He stood still the third ring; however, JongHyun began to notice an echo to the ring. Well, not exactly an echo, but a very familiar ringtone.

                The Barbie Girl song was one he was very accustomed to hearing since it’d been Key’s ringtone for forever.

                If he could hear that ringtone then wouldn’t that mean Key was nearby? Like a rabid dog, JongHyun ran around in hunt of where the song was coming form. Every time the music stopped playing he called again so it would start up once more. JongHyun ran so hard that his breathing became laboured. It paid off in the end, though, when he came face to face with the glaring eyes of Key.

                “Next time you should give me a chance to answer,” Key snidely greeted but with no effort in his voice, like he knew that he had no right to talk to JongHyun like that. Which he didn’t really because he’d cheated on him and raped their maknae all in the same day.

                His rude greeting was music to JongHyun’s ears, though. Key was alive – alive and hopefully not raped or injured.

                “Next time you shouldn’t send me on a wild goose hunt,” JongHyun said, stepping closer.

                Key gave a shrug of his shoulders, looking away from the advancing man.

                “I thought I was doing you a favour... After all, the master needs to keep his dog in shape, right?” He laughed at his own stupid joke but JongHyun could tell it wasn’t sincere. The way Key’s shoulders shook; the way his laugh sounded choked up rather than loose and beautiful like usual.

                JongHyun took a seat beside Key and said, “Look at me Key...”

                The younger shook his head, staring instead at the little pool his tears were making that was drowning an unsuspecting ant.

                Dissatisfied by this response, JongHyun cupped Key’s cheek and connected their eyes. His puppy eyes stared into the swollen cat-like eyes of the man opposite him. It reminded JongHyun of the first time he had realized his love for Key.

                “I love you; I don’t want a break any more,” JongHyun whispered.

                Key set off bawling but was unable to make his eyes leave JongHyun’s.

                “How can you still love me? I fooled around with TaeMin behind your back! I screwed the maknae! I’m horrible, Jjong! I’m disgusting!” he screeched.

                JongHyun’s head shook furiously from side to side> he stared at Key with a fire that burned bright from his soul and said, “I don’t care. It was a mistake. I’ll get over it, though. MinHo forgave TaeMin and – and when I was looking for you I realized that you’re the only one for me. As long as you still love me than everything is the same as it was before this whole TaeMin thing happened!”


                Key gasped for breath as he processed each word that fell into the air. Had he really said ‘still’ and ‘love’ in the same sentence? Had he really said he was going to forgive him if he still loved him?

                “Of course I still love you... But how can you still love me?” Key asked.

                “Dog is man’s best friend, no? I’m your puppy... You can’t get rid of me... Ever.”

                A small giggle breezed past Key’s pouty lips. He sniffled a couple times and wiped at his tears.

                “You still love me,” he said.

                “Didn’t I just say that?”

                “You love me.

                “Only you.”

                “Kim JongHyun only loves me.”

                “Yah, Key, I didn’t stutter when I said it, did I?” JongHyun huffed. He was abruptly cut off when Key launched himself into his arms, nearly squeezing the breath out of his body with the force of his hug. He held on to Key as he bawled into his neck, muttering ‘you still love me’ over and over again.

                JongHyun waited patiently for Key to gather his bearings, content with simply holding him once more. When Key was finally done rejoicing he stood up.

                “Let’s go,” Key announced. “I have to make you breakfast and do your laundry and make your bed a-and make you breakfast...” he trailed off trying to find something else he could do to make it up to JongHyun.

                His now boyfriend again went to tease him about it but was distracted by something.

                “Key... What happened to your shoes?” he asked, staring at the white socks covering Key’s feet.

                “Uh, well... A homeless man took them,” he mumbled with a blush.

                JongHyun couldn’t help it – he laughed so loud that he scared some birds out of the trees.

                “Yah! It’s not funny!” Key pouted.

                “Get on; I’ll carry you home,” JongHyun said. He bent down in front of Key, waiting for him to get on. There was much bickering before Key actually climbed onto his back. When he did, the shorter man set off at a leisurely pace back towards the dorm. The sparrows and chickadees silent as he and Key argued all the way home.


TaeKey, 2min and JongKey all in one short series... It's a fail of a chapter but oh well... A Sparkly Encounter is on a mini hiatus. I'll get Candy Kisses updated soon if I finish all my homework and expect a JongHo oneshot up tomorrow. 

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