Chapter 1

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"Love isn't something you find.
              Love is something that finds you."

- Loretta Young

- Jungkook -
I'm sitting in the back of my class, not paying any attention to what the teacher says. I'm still thinking about the game of yesterday, how we lost to our school enemy. We played so bad that it literally looked like we were giving them the game as a present.

I'm mostly pissed to myself because I'm the captain of my school's soccer team and I was unmotivated which affected my team mates too. I shouldn't have mixed my personal issues at home with my responsibility as the captain.

Thinking about it made me so angry that I didn't even notice I had broken my pen. Not caring about it, I take a glance at the clock and realize that only 2 minutes left to go to hell.

I sigh and lower my head. I don't want to think about anything right now. The only thing I want to do is sleep and only sleep.


I take my keys out and unlock the front door to my house. I slowly and quietly crawl into the hall trying not to make any noice to upset the living monster. Right when I know that I'm in the safe zone, I run to my room like there's no tomorrow.

I quickly lock the door of my bedroom and hop on my bed to take a nap. But that of course doesn't happen.

Not even a second later I hear him screaming from the top of his lungs like a dying chimpanzee. I frown and try to ignore him. He has obviously been drinking.


Wonder who this monster is? Well it's my dad. He's been drinking since my mom left us when I was born because she couldn't take it. She was 17 when she gave birth to me. I have always known that I was a mistake. They didn't plan to have a baby. My mom was young and she didn't want to ruin her life by having me. She also didn't like my dad that's why she left us just like that.

As you can probably guess, my dad loves her. He has gone on many dates with random women but none of those could replace my mom. So, to reduce the pain he started to drink. But not only that.

One day when I came home late, my dad beat the hell out of me. On that day it was only because of being late but after that it started to be a habit. He hit me every day with some shitty excuses.

Now the reason to why he still hits me is that he's blaming me. He blames me for what had happened. Mum leaving us, him not finding any woman to date, not having enough money to even pay the rent of this small house. He's blaming me allthough I've never done anything to him.

It's not my fault that I was born.

The banging on the door is untakeable. He keeps calling me vile names. It hurts my ears which I cover with my old pillow. I couldn't control myself anymore and let some tears flow down my cheeks to my jaw and dripping on my sheets.

I wish he would stop doing this to me.

It's horrible how someone could hurt his own flesh and blood. But he doesn't realize that because his eyes are blind, covered with anger and hate.

But do you know that the most sad thing about this situation is not having anyone to talk to. In my Kindergarden days I was always jealous of my friends' dads who played with their sons, drove them to school and bought them toys. Especially those Iron Man toys.

I never got to feel the same love my friends did. That's why I never talked to anybody and didn't befriend anyone. Which was a big mistake.

I do have "friends" now, but none of them are close to me. They don't even now about this whole thing with my dad. And that better stays like that because I don't want anyone to pick on me or worse: to pity me.

Another reason is me being the captain of the soccer team. If anyone finds out that the oh-so-cool-jeon-jungkook is being beaten up by his own father, I would definitely lose my reputation and pride.

I'm also an A-Student, well sometimes B. I'm fortunately able to keep my grades up allthough I'm the captain of the soccer team and have to deal with my dad every day. I just want to be succesful, have a job and live a meaningful life.

Seeing my dad, I realize how important school and education actually is. Now that I'm finally a senior I have to work even harder to be accepted to a good college. Then I could leave this town and all those horrible memories I made in this house.

The banging had stopped a long time ago - he probably fell asleep. But I never got out of my room, so i just slept with a hungry stomach and a headache.


I rolled to my other side to avoid the sun shining into my face and burning my eyes. But once I moved myself I couldn't sleep anymore. So I just got up and dressed up for school.

I threw on a plain white shirt and some jeans. I tried to open the door slowly to check if my dad was anywhere near my room.

It looked safe so I made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face clean because it had been sticky of my drying tears from yesterday. After brushing my teeth I ran back to my room to pack my school bag but before I got to do that I found myself thrown onto the floor.

I couldn't even react proberly before a strong punch made its way to my jaw. It hurt like a train knocking you down.

He started to hit me in the stomach and I couldn't help it anymore and screamed for help.

"Don't scream, you little bitch", he frowned and took the nearbist thing to hit me. Seeing that I quickly turned around but it still hit me in the back, sending me a strong wave of pain. It was probably something made of glass but I didn't get to see because I fainted right away.

I woke up hours later, missing the most part of school. I tried to get up but collapsed back onto the wooden floor remembering being hit back then.

I hissed and tried my best to hold back my tears. 'I don't want to cry anymore, I'm not weak' I thought to myself and got up ignoring the pain it gave me.

I went to the mirror to look at my back and saw a big bruise from my left shoulder to the centre of my back. I never thought that one hit could make something this big but I guess he had hit me there multiple times.

I didn't want to see the sight anymore so I wore my shirt back on and went out of the house to get some fresh air.

It was already evening and cold but at that point I couldn't have cared less.

I went to the park and sat on a bench watching the leaves fall off the trees. The dead leaves on the ground made the landscape look orange and beautiful. It gave me an pleasant and peaceful feeling.

I closed my eyes and thought about life. How f*cked up today's society is. How meaningless everything is. Why do we even live if we're going to die anyway? What does earth even exist for? Why is there a galaxy when we can't even breath there? Why are there so many planets other than earth but none of them have any living creatures? Or do they?

Why do we hurt people when we ourselves don't want to be hurt? Why did my mum leave us?

What did I do to deserve this?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2016 ⏰

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