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(Hiccup's POV)

Hiccup felt his head lighter then air, his stomach a dull stinging as his body seemed to float as if in water. He felt completely relaxed, as If everything in the world was, is, and was going to be okay. It was such a strange, yet amusing sensation. It filled him with confusion and joy. He had no idea how to react to this new sensation. So he did what he felt was appropriate. He laughed. Somewhere next to him he heard a voice. It was dull, deep, but recognizably a females. It was too high to be Festa's, but too warped, if that made sense, to be Setrina's. When he heard the voice ask a concerned question, he immediately ruled out Astrid. So that left one person.

"Merida?" He asked. There was a sound of confirming. "I feel like a fish." He said. In his current state, that felt appropriate, and comical, which caused him to laugh again. He suddenly had this craving for food. Which made him think of Toothless. "Where's Toothless?"

There was a warble at his side, signaling his friend was there with him. He put an arm out and touched his snout, barely recognizable to him. Toothless's scales felt so smooth, and the ridges made Hiccup tickle, causing him to laugh again.

After that was all a blur. Laughter, warped voices, splashes of colors in his eyes. Hiccup couldn't make any of it out, only nonsense that he thought he could make out. He responded blindly to all of the words and comments he heard. But he felt so tired. So he fell asleep.


(Merida's POV)

Merida had stayed by his side on the bed, even when they gave him the painkillers. She watched him the entire time he slept, even though she realized it wasn't very appropriate. She smiled wide when he woke up. But of course, the drugs ruined the experience. He groaned and moved.

"Brynjar? Are you all right?" She asked him, concerned.

"Merida?" He said, groggy. She smiled wider when he recognized her. "I fell like a fish." He said, then laughed. Merida was shocked by the bizarre question, but his laughter was contagious, so she ended up laughing as well.

"Do you want anything?" She asked when her laughter died down.

"Where's Toothless?" He asked. The Night Fury warbled next to him, and Brynjar reached up and sloppily rubbed his nose, laughing all the while. Merida had never heard him laugh truly like this, laughing of pure joy and not humor, she realized it was the best sound in the world. She couldn't help but laugh at the silly antics. He was like a little kid. And she found that hilarious.

"I want to go flying. You want to go flying, Meri? Let's go flying. We can fly together. I want to fly with you." He said. Merida blushed, but held him down when he tried to get up.

"You're hurt, Brynjar. You need to rest."

"Who's that? Oh, right, ha-ha, it's me. I keep forgetting. My name used to be something else, you know." He said, rolling his head slowly on the pillow it was propped on.

"Really?" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. It was Hiccup." He said. Then, ironically, he hiccupped.

"I'm serious. I used to live with Vikings." He said it in a tone as if he was telling a secret, but as a joke. Given he was on mind-numbers, she guessed it was just a hallucination.

"Oh, really?" She said teasingly. "and, uh, were are these Vikings now, Bry-...Hiccup?" Just then there was a knock on the door and one of the Vikings, Astrid, she thought was her name, walked in.

"Right there. Hey, clanie. Why is your hair purple?" Astrid raised an eyebrow and, after a second, turned to her.

"Do you know what the hell is going on with him?" She asked. Merida was filled with confusion. Wasn't she with the village of dragon killing Vikings? Why did she care about a dragon rider? She shook it off and answered her anyway.

The Rider(HTTYD and Brave, 2012)Where stories live. Discover now